Favorite music for getting things done - Off topic

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Hi, this is not your regular "favorite music" thread as we may have a lot to discuss, I want to keep this as a way to know each others genres for working. Concentration music, relaxing music, you name it.

Besides when I'm just listening to music I have very defined genres for working. When I'm programming, I normally listen to fast or non-common music.

This music tends to be melodic dubstep, Kashiwa Daisuke or nu metal (Issues, Crown The Empire, Limp Bizkit, etc...).

If I'm not programming and I'm just working on other stuff, I bring up my softer music.

The Police, Def Leppard, The Kooks, Queen, Pink Floyd.

So, if I'm feeling like getting stuff done, I listen to this music.

Share with us your "working music".

(This is actually an improvement to my workflow that didn't fit the Workflow & Customization forum)
argonaut · musician · developer · writer · https://www.betoissues.com

Messages In This Thread
Favorite music for getting things done - by acg - 10-06-2016, 07:05 PM