Operating Systems & Administration

(91 threads)

BSD (and its variants) is one of the earliest Unix operating systems created. All BSD related posts belong in this forum. Don't forget to include your BSD and version number in your post. Post about FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonflyBSD, ...
Last Post: What shell do you guys us... | 13-06-2024, 05:22 PM | by r1w1s1
(125 threads)

GNU/Linux distributions, applications, configurations and more. Make sure to include your distro and distro version number in your post.
Last Post: Filesystem choice | 19-07-2024, 05:20 PM | by r1w1s1
(18 threads)

One of the most popular proprietary Unix operating systems out there. Post all OS X/Mac related topics here. Don't forget to include what OS number you are running in your post.
Last Post: the end of hackintoshing | 23-06-2020, 09:01 PM | by jkl
Other *nix-like OSes & POSIX related
(18 threads)

Anything that is related to a specific Unix-like, other Unix derivatives, OS that didn't fit the previous categories, or POSIX and other standards that apply anywhere.
Last Post: XDG_CONFIG_HOME as ~/etc | 03-09-2023, 04:04 AM | by adi
Old school stuff
(30 threads)

Anything related to historical purposes, be it software, OS, or hardware. If you got an anectdote or an old story then post it here.
Last Post: The Origins of Emacs, unc... | 23-07-2024, 09:54 PM | by jkl
Servers Administration, Networking, & Virtualization
(45 threads)

Manage your server, virtualize all the things! vmware, xen, virtualbox, bhyve, zones, .... And administer those users and services! If you don't know where to post in this category then post here.
Last Post: What do you use as a syst... | 31-10-2022, 04:21 AM | by gaak
Security & Cryptography
(52 threads)

All threads regarding security & cryptography go here.
Last Post: Help needed to build a lo... | 18-08-2023, 09:18 AM | by z3bra