Best web browser - GNU/Linux

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Quote:What I like with retawq is that it barely does anything: render page + display them in a pager + navigate to links, with a limited number of keybindings:
Ohhh, I like it! Thanks for sharing :D
Long time nixers

that looks really good.
I'll try it.
Used to use firefox for a years, but recently my browser of choice became a chromium + cvim + ublock. Somehow, but it works faster to me.
Firefox has been my main browser for years; there's no other browser out there that's as customizable and extensible. You can make it look exactly the way you want using CSS, and add pretty much any functionality you want through extensions. I don't see myself switching to some other browser anytime soon.
Long time nixers
(15-06-2016, 08:36 AM)ninjacharlie Wrote: [...]

Y're welcome.

Sometimes I get "redirection problem" with it, and reloading the page ("R") usually fixes it.
I use firefox with vimperator and Stylish extension,it looks great and I love the way I can customize it to my taste.
The downside is that it takes too long to open for the first time after boot.
Can I be a dick and just say there no good web browser?
Just bumping this with last week podcast which was closely related:
Browsers your windows to the WWW
(18-06-2016, 12:35 AM)f1st Wrote: Used to use firefox for a years, but recently my browser of choice became a chromium + cvim + ublock. Somehow, but it works faster to me.
Tried using the same but find cvim too flaky for me, sometimes it doesn't respond to keybindings and I press Ctrl+R to refresh it, that works sometimes. In the end went back to firefox purely for vimperator. Really like qutebrowser but I cant get by without lastpass plugin.
Has anyone tried out ungoogled-chromium? [0]

I usually end up using chrom{ium,e} with cvim/vimium, since firefox seems to be annoingly slow. However I really hate {chrome,chromium}s google integration; as soon as any google account is looged into the browser it snatches away all your bookmarks as well as your history, which can't be reverted. So ungoogled chromium might actually be what I was looking for some time now..

[0] :