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Hi all,

I am new to this forum and the world of Unix. I am an experienced Linux and Windows user but have never really done Unix. I would like some advice as to what my first flavour of Unix should be.

I am a YouTube content creator, so please check out my page if you get a sec:

Many thanks,

Cherry Bakewell.

P.S. I have missed out a 'w' in my username... woops...
Hey there Cherry, welcome to nixers

As far as a more Unix-y *nix, you can always give one of the BSDs a try.
Long time nixers
Hello and welcome! I would also suggest one of the *BSDs if you want a more UNIX-y experience. But you'll probably find that they have converged a lot with Linux, they're all fairly easy to use.

If you really want to do something different, let me suggest OpenIndiana, a Solaris-derived operating system. Solaris is where ZFS, Zones (like jails or containers) and DTrace (great kernel debugging tool) came from, so you might want to give it a whiz in a virtual machine or something. And it's still actively developed.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do, and feel free to ask for help in the forum or IRC!
Long time nixers
Welcome. Use OepnBSD.
Long time nixers
I argee, ues OepnBSD!

Seriously though: When it comes to Unix, the choice is limited as of 2017. The last original Unices still actively maintained today are AIX, HP-UX and (Open)Solaris (with its distributions/forks SchilliX and OpenIndiana / Illumos). Others, like Xinuos OpenServer (a renamed continuation of Microsoft Xenix, later SCO OpenServer), were migrated to be based upon FreeBSD, while the BSDs, including macOS, have largely diverted from the original Unix by/around the mid-90s after originally having started as a pure Unix distribution in 1977.

Although the only real "free Unix" is OpenIndiana or one of its siblings, I would recommend to not start with it. While you could probably learn a lot from it, the community is small, so is the hardware support. Recent reviews show that the experience is not that great anyway:

So, if you want to just touch the Unix-like world, I'd suggest you to try OpenBSD or NetBSD first, they come close to what Unix once was. If you want a more accessible approach, FreeBSD (or one of the commercial Unices) might be for you - but note that Unix was never meant to be shiny.

Welcome to nixers!

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
200 to 2000 dude oh man
Hello cherrybakeell with a missing 'w' ( I can change your username if you want).
Welcome to the forums.

I think jkl summed up the situation fairly well:
(31-07-2017, 09:28 PM)jkl Wrote: So, if you want to just touch the Unix-like world, I'd suggest you to try OpenBSD or NetBSD first, they come close to what Unix once was. If you want a more accessible approach, FreeBSD (or one of the commercial Unices) might be for you - but note that Unix was never meant to be shiny.

How did you like the security question?
(01-08-2017, 01:30 AM)venam Wrote: Hello cherrybakeell with a missing 'w' ( I can change your username if you want).
Welcome to the forums.

I think jkl summed up the situation fairly well:
(31-07-2017, 09:28 PM)jkl Wrote: So, if you want to just touch the Unix-like world, I'd suggest you to try OpenBSD or NetBSD first, they come close to what Unix once was. If you want a more accessible approach, FreeBSD (or one of the commercial Unices) might be for you - but note that Unix was never meant to be shiny.

How did you like the security question?

Thank you for your reply - I would be very grateful if you could change my username to 'cherrybakewell'. Many thanks for a warm welcome.
(01-08-2017, 04:21 AM)cherrybakeell Wrote: Thank you for your reply - I would be very grateful if you could change my username to 'cherrybakewell'. Many thanks for a warm welcome.
Remember to use the new username next time you login.
(01-08-2017, 04:46 AM)venam Wrote:
(01-08-2017, 04:21 AM)cherrybakeell Wrote: Thank you for your reply - I would be very grateful if you could change my username to 'cherrybakewell'. Many thanks for a warm welcome.
Remember to use the new username next time you login.

Thank you very much!! I must say that this is a very nice forum. I have experience of running my own forum called the 'Linux Network'. It's reasonably successful but it makes a change to cisit such a clean and nicely layed out forum, such as this one.
Welcome to the forums, cherrybakewell.

May I ask how you ended up here?
I'm currently using Archlinux, but want to try out a BSD just to see the other side as well. There is an BSD section here with very good content about it.
(01-08-2017, 06:10 AM)r4ndom Wrote: Welcome to the forums, cherrybakewell.

May I ask how you ended up here?
I'm currently using Archlinux, but want to try out a BSD just to see the other side as well. There is an BSD section here with very good content about it.

Thank you for the welcome. Someone on my YouTube page recommended this forum to me for UNIX stuff. Thanks!

If you are interested in UNIX you should probably go for a *BSD, or you can try something `different` like Void Linux or Alpine (Both are linux distros).
Hello, and welcome!
Long time nixers
Quote:welcome to nixers

this wikipedia article about the BSDs is quite enlightening imo

Quote:OpenBSD aims at security, correctness, and being as free as possible.

seems like the way to go to me...
Welcome and have fun here!