Post the strangest, most unique distros you've encountered - Servers Administration, Networking, & Virtualization

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Long time nixers
Saw this somewhere else and was curious as to what you guys would answer!

For me it would be exherbo or killx
Those were both weird to use
Long time nixers
Maybe Ystradol (not sure I've spelt it right), as it was the first distributed Linux, from what I remember.
In the earlier days, live CDs where pretty weird. :) (The first Knoppix.)
Grey Hair Nixers
The cool list:

The weird list:
Long time nixers
(30-07-2015, 05:50 AM)bsdkeith Wrote: Maybe Ystradol (not sure I've spelt it right), as it was the first distributed Linux, from what I remember.
In the earlier days, live CDs where pretty weird. :) (The first Knoppix.)

I think you meant Yggdrasil ;)

(30-07-2015, 11:34 AM)z3bra Wrote: The cool list:

The weird list:

Oh my god, bebian, my sides
Long time nixers
Quote:I think you meant Yggdrasil ;)
That's the one.
(I tried searching for the name but didn't find a mention of it.)
Nice list z3bra.

I'm gonna try rlsd2 this weekend.
linux bbq, its not really weird but if you want to try thousand of WMs and DEs then that's a distro for you to try out.
what is people obsession over crux? :P
Long time nixers
Linux BBQ is really cool, I stole their homepage css for my old startpage and I used the no x release for awhile!
Long time nixers
(06-08-2015, 08:23 PM)Houseoftea Wrote: -css-

It's okay, they used BOOTSTRA.386.
~Seraphim R.P.
the artistnixer formerly known as vypr formerly known as sticky
(06-08-2015, 08:23 PM)Houseoftea Wrote: Linux BBQ is really cool, I stole their homepage css for my old startpage and I used the no x release for awhile!

the layout is pretty awesome, loved it the first time i saw it :)
what is people obsession over crux? :P
linuxbbq rules!

I'm biased though.
work hard, complain less
Long time nixers
(08-08-2015, 08:54 AM)dkeg Wrote: linuxbbq rules!

I'm biased though.

Just a little ;)
Grey Hair Nixers
didn't see this one here
Those two are a bit strange but probably not the strangest.

Suicide Linux

EDIT: GoboLinux is also strange as it uses a completely different approach.
Long time nixers
When I still used Linux (some time in the 90s), there was a distribution named WinLinux, probably the first distribution of Linux which came with a Windows installer. Other than that, it was a pretty normal KDE desktop system IIRC.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
For me it would be RedStar OS. The North Korean Linux Distro... The strangest thing, at least for me, was that they took something that kinda stands for freedom and twisted it in a way, that it works as an instrument for oppression...
Long time nixers
(30-07-2015, 11:34 AM)z3bra Wrote: biebian

reminds me of hannah montana linux
Long time nixers
The weirdest distro I ever saw is definetely Ubuntu. :-P

[EDIT] Sorry, this looks like flaming. Ubuntu is all right for many of my peers, and I'm ok with it.

(21-03-2017, 04:40 AM)mrtn Wrote: For me it would be RedStar OS. The North Korean Linux Distro... The strangest thing, at least for me, was that they took something that kinda stands for freedom and twisted it in a way, that it works as an instrument for oppression...

Very sad way to run linux. But then you also distribute to people a way to escape from control and censorship, so I guess they did a lot to prevent this.
Last update is from 2017, this got to change!
To make the discussion more interesting, bump with any distribution that caught your attention, something you find innovative, niche, or out of the usual.

I'll add EasyOS to the list. It's got everything containerized, using its own custom container tech. The user runs as root. The package manager keeps an audit trail. It runs on a layered filesystem where the lowest is read-only and can be pluggable/upgradable/swapped.

Another impressive work is Talking Arch. It's Arch Linux but made in an accessible way for visually impaired persons. It's impressive the amount of work that went into the audio tutorials. Obviously, there are more "friendly" distros for visually impaired persons.
Long time nixers
My first weird Linux was WinLinux, a late-90s distribution which came with a starter .exe for Windows, so I could reboot into Linux from my Windows desktop. I don’t really know much else about it, I had not spent much time with it.

Also, Gentoo. It still WTFs me.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen

So far I've only used Oasis in a VM but I plan on installing it on an old laptop (once I repair it). While I wouldn't call it strange I think it's pretty unique and I'm drawn to it for it's incredibly sane defaults. It is the kind of operating system I'd write if I was ever to use LFS.

Unix (illumos):

Tribblix was a nice experience and I used it for a little while. It is a very clean operating system, but I've settled with NetBSD for my main OS for obvious compatibility reasons.

Unix (Plan9):

I love (the idea of) Plan 9. I've never really explored it properly. However I stumbled across Jehanne a while back, which is a fork of 9front for heretics. Anyway, it looks interesting.


I've been messing around with the OS in a VM for a while now and I must say, it is a very interesting OS. I plan on using SculptOS on an MNT Reform but still saving the pennies to buy one. This operating system is unlike anything I've ever used before. For me it's just a OS nerd's playground.
“Maybe you have some bird ideas... Maybe that's the best you can do.” - Terry A. Davis (R.I.P Terry & Percival)