[SOLVED] pkgsrc mk files - GNU/Linux

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Long time nixers
Hello Unixhub.

I've installed NetBSD's pkgsrc (and depencies) on my Linux system and bootstraped it.

After I cd'd in in the tree for testing it and run
bmake clean install

But there are some errors related to the mk files:

bmake: "/usr/share/mk/own.mk" line 125: Malformed conditional (${MK_INSTALL_AS_USER} == "yes")
bmake: "/usr/share/mk/own.mk" line 223: Malformed conditional (${MK_LINKLIB} == "no")
bmake: "/usr/share/mk/own.mk" line 228: Malformed conditional (${MK_MAN} == "no")
bmake: "/usr/share/mk/own.mk" line 232: Malformed conditional (${MK_OBJ} == "no")
bmake: "/usr/share/mk/own.mk" line 237: Malformed conditional (${MK_SHARE} == "no")
bmake: "/usr/share/mk/bsd.own.mk" line 125: Malformed conditional (${MK_INSTALL_AS_USER} == "yes")
bmake: "/usr/share/mk/bsd.own.mk" line 223: Malformed conditional (${MK_LINKLIB} == "no")
bmake: "/usr/share/mk/bsd.own.mk" line 228: Malformed conditional (${MK_MAN} == "no")
bmake: "/usr/share/mk/bsd.own.mk" line 232: Malformed conditional (${MK_OBJ} == "no")
bmake: "/usr/share/mk/bsd.own.mk" line 237: Malformed conditional (${MK_SHARE} == "no")
bmake: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
bmake: stopped in /home/danny/pkgsrc/editors/elvis

At first I am sure that this files should be in /usr/pkg/share/mk but maybe I'm wrong. But I'm sure that the 'malformed conditionals' are NOT malformed.

Can UnixHub help me to understand and fix?

== EDIT ==

Solved by recreating /var/db/pkg files

== /EDIT ==
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/