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What I think...? If you're not organized enough to have your files in place using a common file system approach I don't see big difference using tag based.
argonaut · musician · developer · writer ·
The real advantage here is that you can have multiple tags on the same file.

For example I have a folder called "Videos" and one called "People". Should a video from my family go into the people folder or video folder?
What about documents. I have a folder called Documents. If I save a document from Person xyz, should I put it into People or Documents?
Grey Hair Nixers
Best example for this would be IMO, a music collection. You might want to browse it by artist, genre, album, etc... Such a filesystem would make it seemless on the command line. It could as weel be achieved with symlinks though, but it would be a mess to maintain.
This filesystem might be good in some cases, but usually, when you need tags it means you have a HUGE log of data. And at this point, using the cli might be tedious (for searching for example).

I like the idea of being able to "play ~/music/tags/rock/*.mp3", but I hate the fact I'll have to run this for each song I get:

cp song.mp3 ~/music/tags/$ARTIST/@
cp song.mp3 ~/music/tags/$ALBUM/@
cp song.mp3 ~/music/tags/$GENRE/@
cp song.mp3 ~/music/tags/$YEAR/@

Also, even after doing that, where do I put "song.mp3" ? :)
(20-09-2016, 12:19 PM)z3bra Wrote: I like the idea of being able to "play ~/music/tags/rock/*.mp3", but I hate the fact I'll have to run this for each song I get:

cp song.mp3 ~/music/tags/$ARTIST/@
cp song.mp3 ~/music/tags/$ALBUM/@
cp song.mp3 ~/music/tags/$GENRE/@
cp song.mp3 ~/music/tags/$YEAR/@
Also, even after doing that, where do I put "song.mp3" ? :)

And still for music you have the ID3 tags, which are easier to edit at least on ncmpcpp.

(20-09-2016, 11:47 AM)TheAnachron Wrote: The real advantage here is that you can have multiple tags on the same file.

For example I have a folder called "Videos" and one called "People". Should a video from my family go into the people folder or video folder?
What about documents. I have a folder called Documents. If I save a document from Person xyz, should I put it into People or Documents?

Just pick a standard, like using only image, music, videos, documents and downloads. Then all your family pictures go to image/family and same for videos, etc...

You can organize these however you like. Even making a naming convention like date-name-PROJECT.extension
Movies: name_of_movie-year-resolution.extension
Music: i have these in artist directories so i don't need more than the name.extension
Images: go in directories by topic and are usually just name-(PROJECT).extension and YYYYmmdd-name-PROJECT.extension for screenshots.

Dates, resolutions and projects make them easier to search and even more if you have fuzzy completion.
argonaut · musician · developer · writer ·
I have a big music collection. And a big TV shows collection. And I never needed this.

All you need is a good file hierarchy, for example:
/home/mrat/Música/%artist%/(%year%) %album%/%tracknumber% - %artist% - %title%.ext

With this being a rule in my life, i won't have any problem to find what i want.

(20-09-2016, 11:47 AM)TheAnachron Wrote: For example I have a folder called "Videos" and one called "People". Should a video from my family go into the people folder or video folder?
You just save it where you want and symlink it.