Unix screen-shots thread! - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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@ yrmt sure :)
It's really really basic, i'm still learning. It's my 3rd day. Download @ https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwhsi82trlt1te...nfo.tar.gz Screenshot: <img>http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/181/1/4/freebsd_info_c_program_demo_by_ipodpunker-d7ola8c.png</img> If you do have time maybe you can help me out to do other system information in FreeBSD, i'm trying to get a uptime working lulz, also i want to display cpu, gpu, mem, and disk. it's really just the beginning so far, not as shabby as your osxinfo, but that is fine, because i'm not as good as you are in C, you are quite good. I learn quite a lot from your code, and also I take interest and this kind of stuff a lot. Cheers! |
You can use sysctl to access more data, have a look at my program for that.
wow that looks nice with your colour scheme :)
version 14, i'm guessing you are on 10.10 i'm still on 10.9.3 using still darwin 13.0 you don't mind sharing your .Xdefaults ? |
You can get them from my dotfiles.
thanks for the urxvt colour scheme. very nice colours of choice.
(30-06-2014, 10:59 AM)yrmt Wrote: You can use sysctl to access more data, have a look at my program for that. I managed to squeeze your uptime code in there. Thanks! :) Screenshot: Source: http://pastebin.com/AMpWXcjY |
Conky can actually be quite a nice bar.
Really nice scrot sulami, plus conky looks prefect here!
aaa another screenshot eh ;)
<img>http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/182/0/f/freebsd_info_program_with_2_different_urxvt_scheme_by_ipodpunker-d7orr80.png</img> Source: http://pastebin.com/AMpWXcjY haha still trying to figured out memory usage and total for sysctl and code it in C. I will figured it out someday . . . Happy Canada Day! btw cheers! |
can u make this script for OpenBSD maybe you already made one
my laptop |
FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASLE-p7/amd64 with Pekwm BMPanel2
![]() Cheers! |
I thought we had thumbnails now? cyberpunkz image is massive.
@zr0, what wm is that? |
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Elegant as F**k
2BWM | Arch Linux |
Thanks man |
A little xfce fun |
(16-07-2014, 12:46 PM)venam Wrote: Intriguing, what is that script running on the top-right of your screen? Thanks mate! The script is Ansible, running my bootstrap.yml playbook from [here](https://github.com/delucks/dotfiles/tree.../playbooks) to install my dotfiles and my normal set of software on a new VM. |
Pretty wallpaper time. My lame solid color background was making me sad :(
I uploaded them a few weeks ago :p http://dotshare.it/dots/847/
(13-07-2014, 04:25 AM)zr0 Wrote: Compton Config ---> ~/.compton.conf I modified your colors a bit: http://dotshare.it/dots/852/ |