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(08-09-2015, 05:00 PM)Wildefyr Wrote:
(07-09-2015, 09:08 PM)ninjacharlie Wrote: Not a super recent performance boost, but I did start using Vimium in Chrome (adds vim-ish keybindings). It's way more comfortable for me to use now :)

I tried using that, but I think cVim is a much better implementation. Also vimperator for firefox is far more feature complete and more hackable, main reason why I switched over to firefox from chrome.

I started using pentasaurus in palemoon recently myself. I have it set up to be as much like qutebrowser as I can because qutebrowser has too many issues and isn't robust enough, but I absolutely love its interface.
On a different note, a month later... I've written a python script to take journal paper titles pass them through google scholar and output the bibtex entry or add it to my biblio.bib reference file for whatever latex doc I'm working on.
Long time nixers
Oh, that's an interesting one.
Would you mind sharing it?
Yeah sure. It's kind of tailored to me, but I'm sure you can work it out. The hard bit was getting the bibtex link to show up on google scholar without a google account signed in. So had to generate a fake one...
Long time nixers
(26-10-2015, 12:46 PM)fraun Wrote: So had to generate a fake one...
Long time nixers
i've noticed that i use cat and less quite a bit when debugging code, and i'm a fan of syntax highlighting.

so i decided to come up with a way to add highlighting to these commands.

i discovered pygments, a cool little syntax highlighter that has a commandline interface. so i started by porting my my colorscheme then make two quick little aliases:

# cat - with syntax highlighting!
c() {
  pygmentize -O style=sourcerer -f console256 -g $1
# less - with syntax highlighting!
l() {
  pygmentize -O style=sourcerer -f console256 -g $1 | less -r

[Image: ieyxm6p.png]
Grey Hair Nixers
(28-10-2015, 02:36 PM)xero Wrote: # cat - with syntax highlighting!
c() {
  pygmentize -O style=sourcerer -f console256 -g $1

AAAAAARGH !! You're killing me bro! "$1" !!! By using only one argument, you destroy the ONLY purpose of cat!

I'm particularly proud of my "ssh" workflow at work. I connect to many servers quite a lot, and thus optimized this process to make it simpler. I did 3 major things:
  • Maintain a decent /etc/hosts
  • Tweak $HOME/.ssh/config
  • Make a CLI menu

The first part is easy. I maintain a /etc/hosts file to map "decent" names to IPs on the network (the original names as provided by the DNS are pretty odd, and the DNS doesn't work well anyway. I know it 'cause it's part of my job to maintain it :P Sadly, I'm not the one who choose the servers names...). thanks to vim/curl and some shell glue, I now have a ~500 lines hosts file, meaning I can just run "ssh <hostname>" to connect to any host, using a name of MY invention, that I can easily recover from memory.

The second part is the ssh config file. This one is the simplest part, I defined my "default" parameters, and specific ones:

host *
    user me
    identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

host *-dc*
    user me_admin
    identityfile none

host *somepattern*
    user root
    identityfile none


You get the idea...

The last part is actually the most interresting. My work terminal of choice is "rxvt-unicode", mostly because I know how it works in-depth, and something like "st" would make my productivity drop too much (for now...). It also let you bind keys to actions, and particularly the "string" actions which will input a string when you press a key.

I created a script based on slmenu (beware, bitbucket link), which is basically a dmenu, but for the terminal. I then feed it with the hostnames from my /etc/hosts, and upon pressing <ENTER>, it connects to the chosen host. I then used the directive: "URxvt.keysym.F1: string:sshmenu\n" to have it started everytime I press F10 in a terminal. Simple, efficient!

EDIT: here is video showing (at home) how it works:

The difference here is that I need to run "sshmenu" by hand because I'm not using urxvt. At work, I only need to press F10 :)
Long time nixers
(28-10-2015, 03:01 PM)z3bra Wrote: AAAAAARGH !! You're killing me bro! "$1" !!! By using only one argument, you destroy the ONLY purpose of cat!

i never view the source of more than one file time. but i agree with your argument.

c() {
  for file in "$@"
    pygmentize -O style=sourcerer -f console256 -g "$file"
Long time nixers
@z3bra: Neat! I've seen something like this before, but now I finally took the time to "implement" it. :)

Just out of curiousity, how does your code look like? Here's mine: (Uses pmenu instead of slmenu.)
Long time nixers
@xero I also found a good way to get syntax highlighting in the shell using after installing I can just call 'vimcat' from the commandline, but it also follows my vim colourscheme! neat huh?

@z3bra super cool! I might get around to using this at some point, although I think I will use fzf over slmenu as it has better fuzzy searching. I didn't know you could rebound keys with just urxvt, been rebinding everything in my zsh/keybindings file. Also slight question, how did you setup up those funky bars and icons in the top right?

Edit: here's a sick one liner for you all:

I wrote a small script today to resize a mpv video back to it's
resolution when it was opened. I'll probably integrate it with my tiling script soon but it's still pretty neat:

Here's the source:
(28-10-2015, 08:57 PM)Wildefyr Wrote: Edit: here's a sick one liner for you all:

I wrote a small script today to resize a mpv video back to it's
resolution when it was opened. I'll probably integrate it with my tiling script soon but it's still pretty neat:

Here's the source:
That's something extremely useful. I'll have to remind myself to map it to some keys and use it when watching videos.
The "resize while keep aspect ratio" of 2bwm isn't always very precise as it rounds values so this might become handy.
Grey Hair Nixers
@vain: here is my take: . I use /etc/hosts and $HOME/.ssh/config to get the hostnames/aliases rather than known_hosts. It means it also works with hosts I never logged in (/etc/hosts is >400 lines on my setup :P). Never really used pmenu before. Is it the one which appears in fullscreen in your terminal?

(28-10-2015, 08:57 PM)Wildefyr Wrote: @z3bra super cool! I might get around to using this at some point, although I think I will use fzf over slmenu as it has better fuzzy searching. I didn't know you could rebound keys with just urxvt, been rebinding everything in my zsh/keybindings file. Also slight question, how did you setup up those funky bars and icons in the top right?

That's another option yeah, in my case, slmenu is enough because I keep my "/etc/hosts" rather clean, using a retough naming convention, which means that 2-3 chars are usually enough to go from 500 entries to only 5, which I can then choose with <C-n>.

Now for the bars at the top right, the first one is the volume, and the second one the state of the currently playing music. I have one lemonbar instance for each, nothing fancy.
Long time nixers
@z3bra: Yes, my version does not pick up hosts I've never visited. My known_hosts is well populated, though, 651 lines, so that's not much of an issue.

pmenu appears in fullscreen, yes. People have pointed out ( that there's a lot of alternatives to pmenu. And I have to admit that I'm not 100% satisfied with it. I'd love to be able to type "offiste" and it would still show me "". None of the menus/pickers I've tried so far does that. :/
Grey Hair Nixers
Ah yeah, correcting/accepting typos is a hell of a hot topic actually... Fuzzy search might handle it though, I'm not quite sure
old post but i figured what i did was relevant

so i liked tiling wms as everything was in place, but i liked floating wms as well as they allowed you to freely move things around and have more windows visible at once.

so i wrote a script using wmutils that arranged windows into different tiled layouts, and had it run when a window was opened, with different layouts and the ability to save layouts and not have them overwritten. the script arranges windows into a tiled position, but lets you move them around and resize them as if they were floating, allowing for overlap.
Long time nixers
^^ show your work arcetera
Long time nixers
I finally managed it that does not think the right-click pop-up menu is
an own window.
Also, lemonbar. It is simply great.
Grey Hair Nixers
(29-11-2015, 11:38 AM)pranomostro Wrote: Also, lemonbar. It is simply great.

Long time nixers
(29-11-2015, 11:38 AM)pranomostro Wrote: I finally managed it that does not think the right-click pop-up menu is
an own window.
Also, lemonbar. It is simply great.

link? What right-click popup menu?
Long time nixers
(29-11-2015, 11:38 AM)pranomostro Wrote: I finally managed it that does not think the right-click pop-up menu is
an own window.
Also, lemonbar. It is simply great.
^^ show your work pranomostro
Long time nixers
(30-11-2015, 12:05 PM)xero Wrote: ^^ show your work arcetera
^^ show your work pranomostro

xero be wishin he was a hs math teacher
Long time nixers
I'll take a day to upload everything on my github.
Long time nixers
Got rid of tiling with fyre and I'm instead using more precise movement scripts to 'slot' windows into place ->
Grey Hair Nixers
Pretty cool! This "snap-to-grid" feature reminds me a lot of goomwwm workflow. Neat script!

For myself, I decided to stop giving a shit about what my desktop look like, and only tweak things when I there is a real need for it (eg, missing characters in a font, or unreadable contrast). This also means I'm gonna start seeing which applications feature the famous "sane defaults". So far, everything is working properly (I'm still using wmutils though, don't worry about that :P)

For instance: here is how my current desktop look like now:

We'll see how it goes on the long run...
Long time nixers
I must say, that browser with minimum css is fuck ugly. Well done.

Also, I could do with making it more consistent as it currently just moves the window's width/height in a direction and snaps it to the border if it would go beyond certain points. It seems isn't the most accurate of things either, little things are annoying me on how it orders.
I made some changes in for weechat.
I was tired of not getting notifications when I had the private chat open and moved to another i3 workspace. Now if I the weechat buffer is open but i3 workspace isn't active I get the notifications!
(14-12-2015, 06:14 AM)Wildefyr Wrote: Got rid of tiling with fyre and I'm instead using more precise movement scripts to 'slot' windows into place ->

I actually did something very similar recently (smaller grid cells, but similar idea). Are using `wew` or anything like that to ensure new windows snap in place or is it just a keybinding?

z3bra Wrote:This "snap-to-grid" feature reminds me a lot of goomwwm workflow. Neat script!
Ooh, I didn't realize this was a feature in other WMs. Thanks for pointing that out!
Long time nixers
(14-12-2015, 07:26 AM)z3bra Wrote: For instance: here is how my current desktop look like now:

i get not using addon css. but why not change your browser defaults to match your otherwise dark colorscheme? switching background and foreground would make a 10,000% difference in this scrot.
Long time nixers
Plus, what world do I live in where z3bra doesn't rice?!
(14-12-2015, 07:26 AM)z3bra Wrote: For instance: here is how my current desktop look like now:
When I see this scrot I can't help but think "This is a lazy scrot".
It's not like customizing your desktop is a time consuming task, you do it once and keep the configs across installs.
I wouldn't be comfortable on this.
Personal choice.