Favorite Terminal Applications - Printable Version
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RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - Wildefyr - 01-02-2016

(01-02-2016, 07:14 PM)z3bra Wrote: Beware son, or soon you'll be using mpv to cook eggs!

If only.. Soon however, mpv will be wired into my brain to give me direct access to all media on my disks.

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - hades - 01-02-2016

music: Ncmpcpp
video: mplayer
music/video streamer: pianobar
file manager: ranger
irc client: irssi
terminal emulator: urxvt
system monitor: htop (haven't really branched out here, might try some of the others suggested)
text editor: vim
image viewer: feh
other/fun: vitetris, links2, greed, myman, 2048, aafire, beef

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - henriqueleng - 22-02-2016

music: ffplay,
video: ffplay
image viewer: sxiv
file Manager: rover
irc client: irssi
terminal emulator: suckless st
system monitor: top, systat
text editor: mg, vim, acme
screenshot: imlib2_grab
torrent client: transmission
mail: mbsync + mutt
other / fun: nethack, dcss, openarena

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - pranomostro - 22-02-2016

music: ogg123
video: mpv
image viewer: meh
file manager: cd/z, ls, mv, cp, r (which is actually mv)
irc client: ii, tail-f and cat
terminal emulator: st
system monitor: top/ps
text editor: sam/ed
screenshot: scrot
other/fun: ipfs/9pfs (that stuff rocks)

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - Loki123 - 29-02-2016

Music: mpd
Video: mplayer
Music / Video Streamer: mpd/ffmpeg
File Manager: midnight commander
IRC Client: irssi
Terminal Emulator: rxvt-unicode
System Monitor: ps
Text Editor: vim
Screenshot: scrot
Torrent Client: transmission
Other: GNU screen

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - schisma - 01-03-2016

i like the terminal

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - neeasade - 01-03-2016



mini short term hipster name dae c is bestlang fucking

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - pranomostro - 01-03-2016

No, it would be »mst« (mini short term).
The other words are left out, for brevity.
Googles Terminal would be called something like

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - Adrift - 01-03-2016

Yeah but it would use 16gb of RAM, have over 100+ MB install, and probably crash the session if left open too long.

I'm using a lot of the same stuff. Except also using hangups, vifm, custom dvtm, and ffmeg instead of scrot.

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - w0ne - 31-03-2016

I really enjoy using mps-youtube on my slower hardware, instead of having flashplayer run in Firefox taking up 200mb of memory.

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - apk - 31-03-2016

actually guys the term

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - Wildefyr - 31-03-2016

(31-03-2016, 05:49 AM)w0ne Wrote: I really enjoy using mps-youtube on my slower hardware, instead of having flashplayer run in Firefox taking up 200mb of memory.

But firefox supports html5 out of the box with ffmpeg now?

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - pranomostro - 31-03-2016

Is it possible that you just pops in and write something remotely related?

Don't worry, I think it's funny. I just wanted to make sure everybody realises that.

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - mushmouth - 27-04-2016

file manager:shell
irc client:irssi
terminal emulator:r:xfce4-termina/mate-terminal
system monitor:htop
text editor:neovim
torrent client:rtorrent
image viewer:feh/sxiv
mail client:mutt

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - acg - 28-04-2016

file manager:ranger
irc client:weechat
terminal emulator:urxvt
system monitor:htop
text editor:vim
traffic monitor:iptraf-ng
image viewer:feh
pdf viewer:mupdf

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - nxll - 28-04-2016

audio: mpd, mpc, ncmpcpp, moc
video: mplayer
files: ranger
irc: weechat
terminal emulator: urxvt
shell: zsh
multiplexer: tmux
system monitor: ps, glances, htop
editor: vim
screenshot: scrot
image viewer: feh
mail: mutt
torrent: rtorrent

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - Juan - 06-06-2016

audio: mpd, ncmpcpp, moc
video: mplayer
files: ranger
irc: irssi
shell: bash
terminal emulator: sakura (seriously)
system monitor: htop
editor: nano (seriously)
image viewer: fbv
screenshot: scrot

That's all i guess

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - josuah - 09-06-2016

<strong>music:</strong> mplayer
<strong>video:</strong> mplayer
<strong>file manager:</strong> coreutils
<strong>irc client:</strong> rirc - shell script after xero told me it was possible
<strong>terminal emulator:</strong> st
<strong>shell:</strong> mksh / ash (with keybindings)
<strong>multiplexer:</strong> dvtm - abduco
<strong>system monitor:</strong> ps - top
<strong>text editor:</strong> vis (no, no vim here :P)
<strong>screenshot:</strong> scrot
<strong>torrent client:</strong> transmission, until I really need do torrent
<strong>mail client:</strong> isync (the executable is mbsync) + mail
<strong>rss client:</strong> script of mine
<strong>other/fun:</strong> calendar script - icat - drawille awk script

If curious, all the s{h,cr}i[p]ts are at

Stats so far:

Music / Video          : mps 2 mplayer 8 mpsyt 2 sox 2 mpg123 1 cmus 4 mpv 12 mpd 14 mpc 4 ncmpcpp 12 ffmpeg 2 emacs 1 Windows_Media_Player 1 ffplay 1 youtube-dl 1 mpsyt 1 mpdviz 1 vlc 1 moc 3 pms 1 pulseaudio 1 xmms2 1 pianobar 1 ffplay 1 ogg123 1
File Manager           : ranger 12 mc 2 coreutils 11 ag 1 noice 1 emacs 1 Windows_Explorer 1 ack 1 rover 1
IRC / Chat             : weechat 10 irssi 12 ii 2 sic 1 emacs 1 Slack 1 bitlbee 1 telegram 1 custom/self-made 1 rirc 1 script 1
Terminal Emulator      : urxvt 15 xterm 1 st 5 emacs 1 powershell.exe 1 termite 1 screen 1 xfce4-terminal 1 mate-terminal 1 sakura 1
Shell                  : zsh 6 emacs 1 mksh 3 bash 2 ash 1
Multiplexer            : tmux 8 dvtm 1 dtach 1 emacs 1
Window Manager         : swm 1 xmonad 1
System monitor         : top 4 htop 15 ps 9 glances 4 nmon 2 bmon 1 dstat 1 /proc 1 emacs 1 atop 1 iptraf 2 tcpbump 1 systat 1 Ctrl+Alt+Backspace 1
Text Editor            : vim 18 neovim 4 vis 2 emacs 2 notepad.exe 1 leafpad 1 mg 1 acme 1 sam 1 ed 1 nano 1
Screenshot             : scrot 17 maim 2 emacs 1 MSPaint 1 slop 1 imlib2_grab 1 screenfetch 1
Torrent Client         : transmission 6 rtorrent 6 btpd 1 emacs 1 illegal 1 aria2c 2
Image/PDF Viewer       : feh 12 meh 5 w3m 2 lel 1 emacs 1 sxiv 5 mupdf 1 fbv 1
Mail                   : mutt 10 script 1 alpine 1 emacs 1 Outlook 1 notmuch 1 none 1 mbsync/isync 2 mail 1
RSS Client             : newsbeuter 1 script 1
Other / Fun            : figlet 1 toilet 1 dwarffortress 2 emacs 1 minesweeper 1 nethack 4 atc 1 livestreamer 1 torrentflixx 1 shpaint 1 aafire 1 2048 1 beef 1 greed 1 vitetris 1 myman 1 openarena 1 dcss 1 ipfs 1 9pfs 1 icat 1 script 1
Browser                : w3m 1 luakit 2 firefox 1 elinks 1 links 1
Schedule / Organisation: when 1 org-mode 1 ledger 1 script 1

It may not be very accurate, but at least it gives an idea.

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - josuah - 19-07-2016

Reviews of terminal apps. A lot of terminal apps of all kind. It could also be useful for the hacking session screencast contest...

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - cadav3rous - 23-04-2017

music: mpd/mpc/ncmpcpp
video: mpv/vlc
music/video streamer: none
file manager: ranger
irc client: none
terminal emulator: rxvt
system monitor: htop
text editor: emacs/nano
screenshot: scrot
torrent client: rtorrent
image viewer: sxiv
mail client: none
other/fun: i don't know

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - r4ndom - 24-04-2017

music: mpd/ncmpcpp
video: mpv
music/video streamer: mpv
file manager: coreutils
irc client: -
terminal emulator: urxvt
system monitor: htop
text editor: vim
screenshot: scrot
torrent client: -
image viewer: meh
mail client: mutt
other/fun: lemonbar / dmenu / wal / git

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - robotchaos - 24-04-2017

music: moc
video: -
music/video streamer: -
file manager: vifm
irc client: sic
terminal emulator: st
system monitor: top
text editor: vim
screenshot: scrot
torrent client: -
image viewer: sxiv
mail client: mutt
other/fun: dmenu / git / dungeon-crawl-stone-soup

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - evbo - 24-04-2017

music: cmus
video: mpv
music/video streamer: mpv + youtube-dl
file manager: ranger
irc client: weechat
terminal emulator: st
system monitor: htop
text editor: vim
screenshot: scrot
torrent client: rtorrent
image viewer: feh
mail client: neomutt
other/fun: dmenu / nethack

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - drkhsh - 28-04-2017

music: cmus
video: mpv
file manager: shell (+ sometimes ranger or even pcmanfm)
irc client: weechat in dtach
terminal emulator: st
text editor: vi
mail client: mutt + isync + vdirsyncer/khard/khal
image viewer: sxiv
torrent client: aria2c
screenshot: scrot
system monitor: htop
multiplexer (on servers): tmux
shell: zsh and ksh
version control: git

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - Wildefyr - 21-12-2019

Been awhile since I've done this one, not much has changed since I've come back, but I still don't have a mail client!

music: mpvc
video: mpv
volume control: pulsemixer
file manager: fff
irc client: weechat
terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode
text editor: nvim
mail client: -
image viewer: mpv / w3m-img
torrent client: tremc
screenshot: xscreenshot | ff2png
system monitor: htop-vi / glances / ps
multiplexer: tmux / dtach
shell: zsh / mksh

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - venam - 22-12-2019

Let's bump this!

music: mpd + ncmpcpp
video: mplayer
volume control: a mix between pulsemixer and pavucontrol
file manager: the command line or thunar
terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode
text editor: vim, gedit, firefox, eclipse, etc.. it depends on the case
mail client: claws-mail or firefox
image viewer: mirage
torrent client: rtorrent
screenshot: scrot
system monitor: htop and anything else on the command line
multiplexer: tmux
shell: zsh, bash

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - neeasade - 23-12-2019

Well, I thought I would have completed this previously in this thread(pre emacs) but I had not. cusp of 2020 edition:

music: mpd + mpc/scripted[1]
video: mpv
volume control: ponymix/fallback pavucontrol to check things
file manager: emacs(dired)
terminal emulator: emacs(Mx shell)
text editor: emacs
mail client: gmail web client ?
image viewer: emacs or meh
torrent client: deluge -- been meaning to checkout [2]
screenshot: maim/slop + some wrapper functions [3]
system monitor: xst+htop -- but I have just learned of emacs' proced, and it looks nice.
multiplexer: emacs
shell: bash

[1] playlists via search terms:
[3] I keep a folder called 'Last_shot' where I track the last screenshot -- this lets me pin the folder for GTK/qt file selector dialogs so it's easy/mindless to get the most recent screenshot. On new screenshots, the last shot is moved to ~/Screenshots

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - xero - 26-12-2019

music: cmus
video: mpv
volume control: amixer
file manager: n/a (core utils)
terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode
text editor: nvim (or some tiny vi clone for speed)
mail client: n/a
image viewer: feh
torrent client: rutorrent
screenshot: scrot
system monitor: htop, ntop-ng, sensors, nmon, etc
multiplexer: tmux
shell: zsh (bash when i must)

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - gmk - 27-12-2019

(05-11-2015, 05:22 PM)October Wrote: screenshot: emacs

Is this really possible/Has someone done this? (I'm a vim guy so sorry for my ignorance)

RE: Favorite Terminal Applications - pkal - 30-12-2019

(27-12-2019, 12:07 PM)gmk Wrote:
(05-11-2015, 05:22 PM)October Wrote: screenshot: emacs

Is this really possible/Has someone done this? (I'm a vim guy so sorry for my ignorance)

Sure, why not. There should be nothing in a screenshot tool that couldn't be done with elisp. I don't know of any such implementation (although porting scrot or maim shouldn't be that hard), but I'm guessing October is probably talking about something like or