Your Latest Workflow Improvement - Printable Version
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RE: Your latest workflow improvement - z3bra - 28-12-2015

I've been ricing for years as you all probably know. And one thing I've learnt is that you don't rice once and be done with it. There is always something you want to change, something you want to fix, something you grew tired of...

It's a never ending process, or a kindof "drug". So I'm just trying to focus on using my desktop rather than making it usable :)

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - kirby - 28-12-2015

Contrary to the above, I've had the same basic setup (dwm, 1 'primary' colour on a complementary grey, 1px-wide borders) for a good few years now and the exact colourscheme for at least one year. Whenever I go to change anything I always end up deciding I preferred what I had so just go back. I guess I'm just stuck in my ways.

To stay vaguely on topic, I installed an SSD on my netbook so it's a lot quicker, which I guess is a workflow improvement haha.

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - ninjacharlie - 28-12-2015

(28-12-2015, 09:28 AM)kirby Wrote: To stay vaguely on topic, I installed an SSD on my netbook so it's a lot quicker, which I guess is a workflow improvement haha.

Which laptop are you using? I've been looking at this one: , but am not sure if Linux support is any good.

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - Pr0Wolf29 - 25-01-2016

I set a keybind for terminal, wolfmenu, and printscreen screenshot.

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - z3bra - 25-01-2016

What's wolfmenu? A menu for wolfenstein?

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - Pr0Wolf29 - 26-01-2016

[Image: sc1.png?raw=true]
Some menu program I made. Kinda like dmenu but user-defined and for GUI and terminal usage.

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - arcetera - 11-02-2016

i got a second monitor and hacked around to make it work with wmutils

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - josuah - 28-07-2016

I just found a way to bring Emacs-like buffer to the terminal: In emacs, everything is hold into a 'buffer', that can be a file, a terminal app, a process list, a music player, another file, a graphical web browser, a shell, a pdf document, the pdf source file in markdown...

[Image: emacs_ibuffer.png]
iBuffers in Emacs.

This permits you to switch from file to music player to mail client and back to file, with a same interface showing 'everything that is going on' at glance. That was not present outside emacs AFAIK: tmux and dvtm manage "workspaces", "tags", "windows" and "panes", but not "buffers".

Abduco can bring the required abstraction needed to do this: all terminal are wrapped in a nohup for interactive programs (tmux attach/detach feature), and can be detached, list running abduco sessions... And to expose vim buffers to abduco, I simply do not use vim buffers: I start the editor once for every file I edit.

To quickly switch between the buffers, I use slmenu/dmenu to list and select opened buffers. Ctrl + Z comes back from a buffer to the parent shell.

To start a program on a buffer, I use slmenu/dmenu that acts like normal dmenu, but allowing to add further arguments to it, include aliases for command I always start the same way, or permit to fuzzy find files right away and pass them as arguments.

[h2]Getting started[/h2]

1. Copy the two following scripts in $PATH
2. Install dmenu as well as vis-menu (coming with the vis editor) or replace vis-menu by dmenu (<code>sed 's/vis-menu/dmenu/g'</code> should work).
3. Enter 'run' in a terminal, you will be prompted for a command to run in an abduco session. The script will start some command with default arguments, like shell aliases, and you can tweak the script to your likings... If no 'alias' is defined, it will prompt you for the arguments. If you enter '*' anywhere, it will prompt you for a file and replace the '*' by this file.
4. To come back to the terminal, press ctrl + z, this will detach abduco.
5. To list the abduco sessions/buffers, write <code>attach</code>, it will prompt you for a buffer to attach to.

You can configure shell aliases in .profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, ... with the following to make it go fast:

alias r=run
alias a=attach
alias v="run $EDITOR"

[h2]The sources[/h2]

So I made 2 shell scripts for this purpose: one to start a buffer and one to switch to a buffer. I put comments in both files.


# External: stest, vis-menu, abduco
# Busybox: mkdir, tee, sort, clear

'  # Trick to use newline character without breaking identation
cmd="$1"  # allow to pass commands: run htop starts htop right away.

# Get or create the cache file:  The same as dmenu.
mkdir -p "$cache"

# Get the command to run using dmenu/vis-menu
printf '\033[1A'
[ -z "$cmd" ] && cmd="$(
        if stest -dqr -n "$cache" $PATH
        then stest -flx $PATH | sort -u | tee "$cache"
        else tee < "$cache"
        fi | vis-menu
printf '$ %s ' "$cmd"

# These are sort of aliases: change them to your taste!
# They set the command line options/arguments to use for some commands.
case "$cmd" in
''        ) exit 1                         ;;
mbsync    ) opt='-a'                       ;;
alsamixer ) opt='-c 1'                     ;;
ping      ) opt='-c 3'   ;;
feeds     ) opt='read'                     ;;
htop | s-nail | irc | rirc | agenda | cmus ) : ;;  # These does not have any option.
vi | vim | vis | less )  # These are the commands that only require a file as argument.
        opt="$(find ./ -type f | vis-menu -l 10)" file="$opt"
*         )  # For all the other commands, prompt the user what to add
        read opt
        if [ -z "${opt##*\**}" -a "$opt" ]  # If the command has a '*', prompt for a file.
                file="$(find ./ -type f | vis-menu -l 10)"
                opt="${opt##*\*} $file ${opt%%\**}"

# Update the name using the file path, if any
if [ "$file" ]
        [ -z "${file##$HOME*}" ] && file="~${file#$HOME}"
        file=" $file"

# Start the command in an abduco session
TERM=screen ABDUCO="$cmd" \
        abduco -A "$(printf '%s%s' "$cmd" "$file" | tr '/' '!')" $cmd $opt

vis-menu is a slmenu fork that is more maintained (slmenu was inactive for a while), and used in the vis editor. But it is a standalone tool!

stest is a tool used in dmenu to test file properties and get the list of executables.


# External: abduco, vis-menu
# Busybox: sed

TAB='   '  # Make literal tabs explicit on the code

# If already on a session, print its name and exit
[ "$ABDUCO" ] && printf '[ %s ]\n' "$ABDUCO" | tr '!' '/' && exit 1

printf '\033[1A'

# Get the session name by prompting the user.   Workaround for tab error
# of vis-menu (
name="$(abduco \
        | sort -t "$TAB" -k 3  \
        | tr '!' '/'           \
        | sed '1d; s/\t/   /g' \
        | vis-menu -l 10       \
        | tr '/' '!'
name="${name##*   }"

# Reset the screen, set the name of the session and attath to it
printf '\033[2J\033[0;0f\033[0m\033]0;%s\007' "$name" | tr '!' '/'
[ "$name" ] && TERM=screen ABDUCO="$name" abduco -a "$name"

# Reminder of current sessions
printf '\n'
abduco | tr '!' '/' | sort -t "$TAB" -k 3 | sed -n '1d; s/^/  /; s/\t/   /g p'

It also uses vis-menu.

If you want to use dmenu, just replace <code>vis-menu</code> by <code>dmenu</code>, and it works right away! As dmenu and vis-menu have the same command-line options.

On the other hand, I am not as good as you for window management (quite no config at all!). So thank you for these tips!

PS: Something like wolfmenu could also be nice to integrate with this.

PS2: If I do not say it, I think fyr will say it: You can also use dtach instead of abduco, but it uses configure, and the ./configure script is bigger than the whole source of dtach (!). Thank you autotools!

PS3: For updated versions, if any, you can have a look at this repo

PS4: After I'm done with mountain hiking (1 week), I can provide support for this! And tweak the script for your need if is not too hard... Remember that I'm lazy!

PS5: Because this post was not long enough and did not have enough PSs, I am just adding one.
Latest version below...

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - Tmplt - 29-07-2016

I often leave the terminal when I want to translate words and phrases to/from a language and also when I want to define a word.. No longer!
define() {
  curl dict://$@ | less
alias def='define'

translate() {
  dict -d fd-$1-$2 "${@:2}"
alias tra='translate'

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - venam - 29-07-2016

(29-07-2016, 02:38 AM)Tmplt Wrote: I often leave the terminal when I want to translate words and phrases to/from a language and also when I want to define a word.. No longer!
I've ran into the same issue just recently.
I already had a define command but, just like yours it was using the internet to fetch definitions.

After some research, `sdcv` seemed like a good solution.
The archwiki, as usual, was a good place to get information from.
I got the stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_gcide-2.4.2 dictionary.

Now no need for internet to fetch those definitions.

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - z3bra - 29-07-2016

I use google for that:


# use the google translate service
# depends: curl

if test -z "$1"; then
    echo "usage: $(basename $0) text"
    echo "examples:"
    echo "    $(basename $0) text"
    echo "    TL=el $(basename $0) text"
    echo "    SL=en TL=pl $(basename $0) text"
    exit 1


UA='Mozilla 5.0'

# do translate
curl --user-agent "$UA" \
    --data "sl=$SL" \
    --data "tl=$TL" \
    --data-urlencode "text=$TEXT" \
    --silent $TRANSLATEURL \
    | sed "s/<\/span>/$NEWLINE/g" | grep 'result_box' | sed 's/.*>//'

Though it's a bit more complex than yours, it hasn't failed on me yet!

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - josuah - 29-07-2016

tmplt: z3bra: Yet another webservice replaced by a shell script, just like "curl -4"

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - z3bra - 29-07-2016

Haha, nice! Didn't know about it

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - Tmplt - 30-07-2016

(29-07-2016, 04:16 AM)z3bra Wrote: I use google for that:

Oh, that script will come in handy. Thanks!

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - b3atr - 03-08-2016

(17-08-2015, 09:58 AM)venam Wrote: background processes (ctrl-z) and specific zsh tricks with directories (using pushd).

those are awesome and I couldn't live without them anymore :>

a little bit of URL generating trick to use to get the pronunciation of a word and play it on terminal by mplayer. an alternative would be greatly appreciated :)
pron() {
    mplayer "$(macmillan:us:api "$1")" > /dev/null 2>&1

macmillan:abbreviate() {
    if [[ ${#1} -lt 5 ]]; then
        printf "%s" "${1:0:5}_"
        printf "%s" "${1:0:5}"

macmillan:us:api() {
    local abb=''; abb=$(macmillan:abbreviate "$1")
    local host=''
    local path="media/american/us_pron/${1:0:1}/${1:0:3}/$abb"
    local filename="${1}_American_English_pronunciation"
    printf "%s/%s/%s.mp3\n" "$host" "$path" "$filename"

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - neeasade - 03-08-2016

> pron() {

that's not where I thought that was going.

RE: Your latest workflow improvement - Adrift - 20-02-2017

I'm sure that these are horrible. But I thought I would share a couple scripts that might fit in here.

Earlier in the thread a window selecter had been mentioned, I've been using this for quite some time now.

It depends on wmctrl and wmutils, but you can substitute most of it honestly. Although using wmctrl allows one to see the window id, workspace, and title all at once.


wids="$(wmctrl -l \
    | sed s/"$HOSTNAME"// | dmenu)" || exit 1

wid=`echo "$wids" | awk '{print $1}'`
#did=`echo "$wids" | awk '{print $2}'` #uncomment for workspaces
#wmctrl -s $did && wtf $wid && chwso -r $wid #uncomment for workspaces
wtf $wid && chwso -r $wid

I also made a conversion script, since units didn't play well with dmenu. But found it gets all of google's quick instant answers, like what time is it in ___ city, country, etc.



string=$( printf "%s\n" "$string" | sed 's/ /%20/g' )

w3m -dump$string | sed -e s/□\|•\|Any time//g -e s/^ *//g -ne 14,15p | dmenu

I also spent quite some time working on a bookmarks dmenu for my firefox and vimb bookmarks, titles display in dmenu, then launch in vimb.

I had to re-enable the creation of bookmarks.html in about:config. And both use an automated a sed command to remove a lot of dumb reformatting.

I don't miss tabs at all, and now use rtv instead of the browser.

Lastly I couldn't survive without the "keyword" function I picked up from firefox, that I use in vimb as "shortcuts" like duckduckgo bangs.

Edited a bunch of times because I forgot shit, then shortened.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - josuah - 19-04-2017

I am slowly taking the halfwit route, by building up dmenu scripts.

All the io-* scripts in ~/etc/bin/ use iomenu, and I try to keep them stupid.

io-calendar: One line per event, from ical files, converted with calendar-update
2017/04/20 20:40 - 2017/04/20 21:20  Writing post at
2017/04/20 21:21 - 2017/04/20 21:22  Go fix that post
2017/04/20 21:25 - 2017/04/20 21:25  Come back and fix that post again

io-edit: Most recently used files and all files in $HOME
# recent files
# all files

io-abduco: prompt to attach/create an abduco(1) session
Thu    2017-04-20 00:01:31    whatever session name
Mon    2017-04-19 23:59:14    shannon univ project

io-setfont: For setting TTY fonts in linux (BSD has wsconsctl), psf format.

io-search: Prompt for a dir and dump the content of every file, for interactive search, and open the selected line of file in editor. iomenu can handle it (strstr(3) can).
# /path/to/file/1
      1 First line
      2 Second line
      3 Third line
# /path/to/file/2
      1 First line
      2 Second line

io-mblaze: for the super-light mail client mblaze(1) that is a set of command line tools.

io-music: You can select a directory or pick individual songs. Currently mplayer, but you can change it.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - josuah - 20-04-2017

Oh, I forgot the best of them:

io-troll: What's the magic word?
replace iomenu with dmenu if you want
\ \  `-\//__(*=  (*-.\\---'||__, |||      `-._ ------ |,--------.-- |
  \ `-._(((,__` ,c-).~~))__, |--- | |`-._ -----`-.____// ,===-=== `./
         \ \  `------'||---- |___/- |=-==`-.____/*=  (//__(*=  (*-.\\\
         /\ `-.______, |____/-.____/*=  (*-.\\,__` ,c(((,__` ,c-).~~)))
           `-._ ------ |__/|/ (((,__` ,c-).~~))  `----\ \  `------',--------.       \ \\ \`-.____/^C_/    \ \  `------'|| `-._____\ `-.______, ||
/ ,===-=== `.\ `-.______, |     \ `-.______, |`-._      `-._ ------ ||
[12:08] /home/josuah/ 130 |      `-._ ------ |    `-._/ ,===`-.____//
❯❯ ,__` ,c-).~~)).`-.____/.          `-.____/       \//__(*=  (*-.\\
\ \  `------'||,===-=== `.\                  ,-----(((,__` ,c-).~~))
  \ `-.______, |_(*=  (*-.\\)                / ,===-=\ \  `------'||
     `-._ ------ |------.~~))               //__(*=  (\ `-.______, |
         `-.____/===-=== `.|               (((,__`     `-._ ------ |
           ////__(*=  (*-.\\                \ \  `------'||`-.____/
          (((((,__` ,c-).~~))                \ `-.______, |
         / \ \ \  `------'||                  `-._ ------ |
        //__\ \ `-.______, |                      `-.____/
       (       `-._ ------ |
        \/ ,===-=`-`-.____/          ,--------.
        //__(*=  ,--------.         / ,===-=== `.
       (((,__` ,/ ,===-=== `.      //__(*=  (*-.\\
        \ \  `-//__(*=  (*-.\\    (((,__` ,c-).~~))
         \ `-.(((,__` ,c-).~~))    \ ,--------.'||
          `-._ \ \  `------'||      / ,===-=== `.|
          ,-----\ `-.______, |     //__(,--------.
         / ,     `-._ ------ |    (((,_/ ,===-=== `.
        //__(*=  (*-.`-.____/      \ \//__(*=  (*-.\\
       (((,__` ,c-).~~))\\          \(((,__` ,c-).~~))
        \ \  `------'||~~))          `\ \  `------'||
         \ `-.______, |'||             \ `-.______, |
          `-._ ------ |, |              `-._ ------ |
             ``-.____/-- |                  `-.____/

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - Mafia - 21-04-2017

Workflow improvement: USE ACME.
My flow is super hot fire now.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - josuah - 21-04-2017

This ^. And with the "win" command. You get an interactive shell within the editor.

Presentation from Russ Cox himself.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - Mafia - 21-04-2017

I hope there isn't anyone using acme without win out there.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 21-04-2017

Not using acme, but I'm using more and more sam commands thanks to vis. I must say it is way more powerful and comprehensive than vi's addresses. Once you wrap your head around it, it is pretty nice!

Workfllw wise, well, not much changed. I'm removing more and more fluff everyday, and using bare tools more (eg, default dvtm against 1000 lines .tmux.conf).

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - r4ndom - 25-04-2017

I'm more and more writing small scripts using dmenu to do things faster.

For example this beauty, which is a small file explorer using dmenu. For me it is used to open my lecture/exercise slides.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - drkhsh - 28-04-2017

function up {
    if [[ "$#" < 1 ]]; then
        cd ..
        for i in {1..$1}; do
        cd $CDSTR

function extract {
    if [ -f $1 ] ; then
        case $1 in
            *.tar.bz2)  tar xjf $1 ;;
            *.tar.gz)   tar xzf $1 ;;
            *.tar.xz)   tar xvJf $1;;
            *.tar.lzma) tar --lzma xvf $1;;
            *.bz2)      bunzip2 $1 ;;
            *.rar)      unrar x $1 ;;
            *.gz)       gunzip $1 ;;
            *.tar)      tar xf $1 ;;
            *.tbz2)     tar xjf $1 ;;
            *.tgz)      tar xzf $1 ;;
            *.zip)      unzip $1 ;;
            *.Z)        uncompress $1 ;;
            *.7z)       7zr e $1 ;;
            *)          echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via extract()" ;;
        echo "'$1' is not a valid file"

function video {
    mpv --cookies-file=/tmp/cookies.txt $(youtube-dl -g --cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$1")

alias stopwatch="time cat"

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - darthlukan - 03-05-2017

A small thing I did recently that has made things a tiny bit easier on myself is to use ZSH's Vi mode. I spend most of my time at work in various vim sessions with several shells open for performing various tasks (e.g. One specifically for debugging and that's all I do in it, another for file management, etc). It always felt a bit jarring to go from vim to one of my shells and have to use different key bindings for tasks. Well, with Vi mode a lot of that is alleviated and it's made a small improvement to my productivity as I don't have to think as much about key bindings.

Since it will probably come up, here's what's in my ~/.zshrc to distinguish modes at the prompt:

function ins-mode() { echo "λ" }
function cmd-mode() { echo "Ω" }

function build_prompt() {
    local p
    if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then
    [[ -n $p ]] && echo "$p"  # Need 'echo' or the color escapes cause errors

function TRAPINT() {
    zle && zle reset-prompt
    return $(( 128 + $1 ))

function set-prompt() {
    case ${KEYMAP} in
        (main | viins)

    PROMPT=" ${VIM_MODE}%{$reset_color%} $(build_prompt)%{$reset_color%} ❱ "

function zle-line-init zle-keymap-select {
  zle && zle reset-prompt

function zle-line-finish {

zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N zle-line-finish
zle -N zle-keymap-select

The result looks like the following.

CMD Mode:
Ω ⊡ ❱

INS Mode:
λ ⊡ ❱

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - jvarg - 03-05-2017

I guess i'm the only one who does not knew this but
getting some output from a shell command into vim with that little command:

:r !shellcommand

just blew my mind.
That's so nice :D

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 04-05-2017

(03-05-2017, 06:21 PM)jvarg Wrote: I guess i'm the only one who does not knew this but
getting some output from a shell command into vim with that little command:

:r !shellcommand

just blew my mind.
That's so nice :D

Then you'll probably love piping your selection into random programs
:'<,'>!tr a-z A-Z

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - venam - 05-05-2017

(04-05-2017, 05:39 PM)z3bra Wrote: Then you'll probably love piping your selection into random programs
:'<,'>!tr a-z A-Z
My favorite one:
:'<,'> !fmt

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - jvarg - 05-05-2017

(05-05-2017, 12:42 AM)venam Wrote:
(04-05-2017, 05:39 PM)z3bra Wrote: Then you'll probably love piping your selection into random programs
:'<,'>!tr a-z A-Z
My favorite one:
:'<,'> !fmt

Oh yes, 10/10 thanks guys!!