Your Latest Workflow Improvement - Printable Version
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RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 11-06-2017

(05-05-2017, 12:42 AM)venam Wrote:
(04-05-2017, 05:39 PM)z3bra Wrote: Then you'll probably love piping your selection into random programs
:'<,'>!tr a-z A-Z
My favorite one:
:'<,'> !fmt

I think vim call fmt internally when pressing 'gq'. But yeah, I use that a lot!

EDIT: mine can be replaced with pressing 'gU' also

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - xcko - 12-06-2017

I also like using :'a,'bw !lua to check certain code snippits through the interpreter, or :!gcc && ./a.out though my favorite lately has been :!! to rerun the last shell command used in the command prompt

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 13-06-2017

I prefer using ^Z to run external commands though. It is more flexible IMO. Also, I never use gcc by itself, and rather a makefile, be it as simple as:

pgm: pgm.c

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - gaak - 31-12-2018

jvarg's remap capslock to escape is quite good.

tmux + vim + some REPL -- i.e. use vim+tmux to control a shell or interpreter. That way, you live in your editor and think about ssh'ing into a router or whatnot more programmatically.

inbox zero is a good hack for ppl who use email as their default message bus -- notifications that interrupt attention need to be pretty damn important.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - prx* - 02-01-2019

(07-09-2015, 03:15 PM)jury Wrote: ^ That's why I'm rarely on IRC; I can never get anything else done when it's open =P

Unrelated: if you don't have a constantly displayed clock (because minimalism or, like me, laziness), you can put one in dmenu output. Here's my dmenu_run (same as vanilla except for a couple lines):
if [ -d "$cachedir" ]; then
        cache=$HOME/.dmenu_cache # if no xdg dir, fall back to dotfile in ~
        if stest -dqr -n "$cache" $PATH; then
                echo -e "$(date +"%m/%d %R")\n$(stest -flx $PATH | sort -u | tee $cache)" | dmenu "$@"
                echo -e "$(date +"%m/%d %R")\n$(cat $cache)" | dmenu "$@"
                #dmenu "$@" < "$cache"
) | ${SHELL:-"/bin/sh"} &
More functionality for the same old shortcut! A friend of mine came up with it, but I use it all the time.
For this under CWM, I use this attached to a keystroke :

xclock -digital -strftime "%H:%M  --  %d/%m/%Y" -geometry +0+0 &
sleep 5
kill -9 $PID

exit 0

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - gaak - 02-01-2019

Yeah, put all the status bits in one place and tie one keystroke to it

quiet() { $* 2>/dev/null ; }                                                  
net=$( quiet ip route show | grep -qs ^default || echo "NO NETWORK -- " )    
vpn=$( quiet ip route show | grep -qs ^10.82 && echo VPN )                    
bat=$( acpi -b | sed 's/Battery 0://;s/Discharging,//')                      
now=$( date +'%F %T' )                                                        
printf "\n%s %s %s %s\n" "$bat" "$now" "$net" "$vpn" | ~/pkg/x11/bin/
exit 0

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - anthk - 09-01-2019

Well, I have several for irssi (I use it mainly with Bitlbee).
You'll need to autoload from Irssi's script database.

drwho:~>cat bin/irc
tmux attach -t irssi ||  tmux new -s irssi irssi

drwho:~>cat bin/irc_notify
(pgrep -f "entr -s /home/drwho/bin/lnotify" )
notify-send "entr <-> irc is up"
exit 0
while true ; do ls ~/.irssi/fnotify | entr -p /home/drwho/bin/lnotify ; done

drwho:~>cat bin/lnotify  
OL="$(tail -1 ~/.irssi/fnotify)"
if (echo "$OL" | grep -v -q anthk_)
notify-send "$OL"
exit 0

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - TastyFugu - 21-02-2019

I wanted to know how many monitors are active at the moment so i came up with this one liner:

xrandr -d :0 -q | grep '*+' | wc -l

You can also check how many monitors are connected (on or off):

xrandr -d :0 -q | grep '+' | wc -l

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - prx* - 22-02-2019

I wanted to add magnet link in rtorrent from the hash found in omgtorrent (no torrent hosted, so not illegal) :
#hash to magnet (omgtorrent)


HASH=$(xclip -o)

echo -n "$MAGNET" | xclip -i
echo -n "$MAGNET" | xclip -i -selection clipboard
exit 0

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - neeasade - 23-02-2019

I made a script to toggle mpc when pulseaudio brings other things on board:

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - venam - 27-02-2019

My latest, not so new, workflow improvement is to use `at` as a notification timer.
When I have to do something after X time or at X time I just fire up `at` with notify-send and/or some sound.

It's pretty neat, light, and simple.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 27-02-2019

I recently switched from tmux to dvtm.
It doesnt sound like much, but the fact it auto arrange stuff is great to force you tidy your things, istead of spending time making mosaics.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - grah - 16-03-2019

My latest workflow improvement is a simple one and is probably something that everyone is already aware of: using Ctrl-Backspace or Ctrl-Del to delete a whole word instead of just using Backspace or Delete. Works in most graphical applications.

(27-02-2019, 11:40 AM)z3bra Wrote: I recently switched from tmux to dvtm.
It doesnt sound like much, but the fact it auto arrange stuff is great to force you tidy your things, istead of spending time making mosaics.

Wow thanks for posting this, dvtm is perfect! I've now dropped tmux and screen and use it along with dtach.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - Igrom - 18-03-2019

Today's workflow improvement is a result of automating a recent piece of work outlined in

# trim video
function vtrim () {
  ffplay -vf "drawtext=text='%{pts\:hms}':box=1:x=(w-tw)/2:y=h-(2*lh)" "$1"
  while :
    ffmpeg -i "$1" -ss 00:00:$REPLY short-"$1"
    ffplay short-"$1"

# record video
function vrecord () {
  ffmpeg -video_size $(xrandr | grep -P '(?<=current )[^,]+' -o | tr -d ' ') -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0 full.mp4
  vtrim full.mp4

The code records my screen. Once the recording is stopped, the video plays back with a rectangular overlay with the frame timestamp. Once I scroll to the beginning of the video's actual content, I memorize the timestamp, ^C and subsequently enter the seconds and microseconds in the terminal to trim the video. I confirm visually that it was done okay, otherwise I ^C to tweak the trim.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - wolf - 28-03-2019

MPD + Youtube-dl : Listen Youtube at mpd

Not exactly a work stuff, but work related since I like to listen some music while working :


mpdu2bCacheDir=/tmp/mpdu2bdir/ ;
/usr/bin/youtube-dl -x \
    --audio-format mp3
    -q "${1}" \
    -o "${mpdu2bdir}/%(title)s.%(ext)s" \
    --exec 'mpc add {}' ;

I used to use the stream URI directly to mpd, but had issues with mp4 and song name ( sometimes I want to see the lyrics ).

Note : You'll need configure your mpd to use Unix Socket as address to bind.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - prx* - 30-03-2019

@wolf : omg that's great !
I guess there is a little mistake in variable.
I modified it a bit to add the "continue" option to youtube-dl if the file is already retrieved:

/usr/bin/youtube-dl -x \
    --audio-format best \
    -q "${1}" \
    -c \
    -o "${MUSDIR}/%(title)s.%(ext)s" \
    --exec 'mpc add {}' ;

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - wolf - 31-03-2019

(30-03-2019, 09:49 AM)thuban Wrote: @wolf : omg that's great !
I guess there is a little mistake in variable.
I modified it a bit to add the "continue" option to youtube-dl if the file is already retrieved:

/usr/bin/youtube-dl -x \
    --audio-format best \
    -q "${1}" \
    -c \
    -o "${MUSDIR}/%(title)s.%(ext)s" \
    --exec 'mpc add {}' ;

Hey, thanks for the fix and improvement. thuban++

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 31-03-2019

This week I made a simple script to track my time (ask by my management recently). It lets you create/close tasks (one task is a single line description).
There is only one task elected as "current" at a given time, which is a symlink to the actuall task. When you create a different time, the timestamp is recorded in the file, and a keyword "now" is added to define when you finished it.
When you close a task "now" is replaced by the timestamp, and "[CLOSED]" is prepended to the subject.
You can list you tasks, or export them in csv form if you want to post-process them.

I'm not quite sure if it will help, but it does a good job at tracking time :)

If anyone is interested, I can post the script tomorrow.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - pkal - 01-04-2019

(16-03-2019, 06:22 PM)grah Wrote: My latest workflow improvement is a simple one and is probably something that everyone is already aware of: using Ctrl-Backspace or Ctrl-Del to delete a whole word instead of just using Backspace or Delete. Works in most graphical applications.

Learning Emacs keybindings is generally quite useful when you use bash. I regularly use C-x ( to record macros, C-a/C-e to jump around the current line, C-l to clear the screen, C-y/M-y to use the kill ring, and M-u/M-c/M-l to toggle cases. And I guess it's just my preference, but C-f/C-b/C-p/C-n are nicer than the arrow keys, especially on laptops.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - fraun - 05-04-2019

(31-03-2019, 07:05 PM)z3bra Wrote: This week I made a simple script to track my time (ask by my management recently). It lets you create/close tasks (one task is a single line description).
There is only one task elected as "current" at a given time, which is a symlink to the actuall task. When you create a different time, the timestamp is recorded in the file, and a keyword "now" is added to define when you finished it.
When you close a task "now" is replaced by the timestamp, and "[CLOSED]" is prepended to the subject.
You can list you tasks, or export them in csv form if you want to post-process them.

I'm not quite sure if it will help, but it does a good job at tracking time :)

If anyone is interested, I can post the script tomorrow.

That sounds kind of like org-mode in emacs... In fact it is doable in org-mode

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 05-04-2019

Maybe but I run a linux machine, not an emacs one ;)

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - pyratebeard - 11-04-2019

(27-02-2019, 06:20 AM)venam Wrote: When I have to do something after X time or at X time I just fire up `at` with notify-send and/or some sound.
It's pretty neat, light, and simple.

I have started using this as well, it's very useful.

I have stopped keeping tabs open in the browser and started storing links in buku or making notes on my wiki. I found that I would rarely go back to that article I wanted to read, or need that stackoverflow answer again so decided to keep my browser clear. If I do need a link I can find it in buku.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - pkal - 12-04-2019

(05-04-2019, 02:24 PM)z3bra Wrote: Maybe but I run a linux machine, not an emacs one ;)

Whoever doesn't use Emacs, is doomed to reinvent it ;^)

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 12-04-2019

hahaha nice quote! I'll steal it ^^
For my organisation issue, I changed the concept a bit, and decided to consider my work as a stack of tasks.
When a new task arrive, I push it on top, and it becomes my current task. When the top task is done, I "pop" it out, and the one below becomes the main one.
At any given time, I can move a lower task to the top and work on it, but I force myself to only work on the top task.

Of course, that doesn't take multitasking into account. If smI get a request that can be cleared in less than a minute, I don't even stack it.

I wrote a first PoC named "stak" (I like that it's an anagram for task). I'll clean it a bit and post it if you're interested

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - acg - 12-04-2019

(12-04-2019, 10:57 AM)z3bra Wrote: For my organisation issue, I changed the concept a bit, and decided to consider my work as a stack of tasks.
When a new task arrive, I push it on top, and it becomes my current task. When the top task is done, I "pop" it out, and the one below becomes the main one.

I'm wondering what do you do with a "current" task when another one arrives if you still have one in progress. This is one of my main issues, I'm working on something and get approached with a new non-trivial task.

What I've been doing lately is delaying those task until I finish the current one and reorganize.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 12-04-2019

Depends. For now every new task goes to the top by design, and becomes the current.
If it's not urgent, I just put back the last task on top

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - prx* - 16-04-2019

I recently added to my ~/.xsession calls to xdotools in order to start some stuff when the mouse is on screen border.
xdotool behave_screen_edge --delay 900 bottom-left exec tkmenu &
xdotool behave_screen_edge --delay 900 bottom-right exec pager &
(also added these commands to cwm's menu)

command " -  Min win " "xdotool selectwindow windowminimize"
command " +  Max win " "xdotool selectwindow windowsize 100% 100% windowmove 0 0"
command " x  Close win " "xdotool selectwindow windowclose"
command " -* Desktop  " "sh -c 'for i in $(xdotool search --onlyvisible .); do xdotool windowminimize $i; done'"

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - z3bra - 16-04-2019

I don't get it. You added this because you wanted the ability to do it without the keyboard?

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - venam - 16-04-2019

(16-04-2019, 05:29 AM)thuban Wrote: I recently added to my ~/.xsession calls to xdotools in order to start some stuff when the mouse is on screen border.
xdotool behave_screen_edge --delay 900 bottom-left exec tkmenu &
xdotool behave_screen_edge --delay 900 bottom-right exec pager &
(also added these commands to cwm's menu)

I might actually use that to show a popup with the current time and date or todos when hitting a corner of the screen.

RE: Your Latest Workflow Improvement - prx* - 16-04-2019

Yep, for inspiration, I have this to handle windows
# window operation
# requires xdotool

MSG="$(date '+%v %T')"
xmessage -nearmouse -timeout 5 -buttons "-:3,+:4,-*:5,x:6" "${MSG}"

case $? in
    3) xdotool selectwindow windowminimize ;;
    4) xdotool selectwindow windowsize 100% 100% windowmove 0 0 ;;
    5) for i in $(xdotool search --onlyvisible .);
           do xdotool windowminimize $i;
       done ;;
    6) xdotool selectwindow windowclose ;;


And to call the pager (and destroy it after a short time)

netwmpager &

sleep 5
kill -9 $PID