I'm curious to know more about your automation scripts, regarding daily administration, security, workflow and so on.
Because IT guys are lazy, it is a good thing to script tasks as much as possible. Do you have any oneliners or posix compliant script you'd be proud to share/explain? Even dirty piece of code are welcome.
Expecting tr0lls, I know wmutils is based on scripts, and that's why it's so delightful!
The first one I could show you is a script based on vnstat generating graph about network activity. I usually launch it when turning the computer off. A crontab is also in charge of executing it if I don't do it by myslef (thinking about my VPS). It allows me to have an idea of the amount of network activity (and to show off a bit as well).
This is how it looks like when it is properly configured:
Will share the source code as soon as I get back home.
(17-06-2016, 09:03 AM)sagittarius Wrote: I'm curious to know more about your automation scripts, regarding daily administration, security, workflow and so on.
This is a vague subject to discuss, as almost everything can be automated.
Maybe it would be wiser to think of the wider aspect of it: What to take in consideration when automating tasks.
But then again, there are so many types of tasks.
What should you go for, on hardware events, periodic runs, manual runs but automatic process, on new log generations, etc..
Even just automatically remapping your keys on boot can be said to be a task automation.
This one set the tag, just like in dwm, printing the name of a function "tag#", with # being a tag number, to a named pipe (a FIFO), that dvtm reads for automation.
The functions must be declared in the config.h with something like:
Then, I set alias for most used software, to open them in dedicated tag immediately: [url=github.com/sshbio/dot/raw/master/.profile].profile
alias vis='tag 2 vis $VISUAL'
alias web='tag 3 web $BROWSER'
alias man='tag 3 man man'
alias irc='tag 4 irc irc'
alias mail='tag 4 mail mail'
alias vol='tag 5 volume "alsamixer -c 1"'
alias grex='tag 6 grex ssh josuahdemangeon@grex.org'
Finally, whenever I return from the program to the shell, I tag it automatically to the "shell" tag by calling the <code>tag</code> function in my PS1:
export PS1='$(tag 1 "${PWD/$HOME/~}" "")> '
PS: DVTM has to be started with the -c option to set the name of the named pipe to listen from:
dvtm -c <whatever fifo>
Compilation. I have a few projects I prefer to compile myself, like if I want to change one of the files (like the config.h), apply a patch (like for dwm, st, or if I made my own patch, edited the source).
Then I can keep my few "custom" software up to date, without having to download .tar.gz > extract > compile each software the way it needs to > install it in my custom $PREFIX.
The way it is implemented is quite dumb:
source config dir
|_ one dir per project
| |_ at least the build.sh script
| |_ eventually other resources, used by the build.sh script, like config.h, or patches
|_ one default build script, as for most software, this just works:
for patch in $(find "$DOT/src/$1" -name '*.diff')
do patch -p1 < "$patch"
make prefix="$PREFIX" PREFIX="$PREFIX" install clean
return 0
Each build.sh script has:
- One commented line with a description.
- One <code>tar</code> variable with an url to a .tar.gz archive to the source.
- Eventually a <code>build()</code> function, if the default one does not work.
I automated my backupping, for example (yes, I wrote my own script for that. Shame one me.).
When thinking about writing a general script, I try to abstract my task and find the smallest and fastest possible solution (hint: don't spawn
too many processes) and then I write it down.
Most of my commands are just saved in my command line history, and my shell (fish) has a really good
searching function and autosuggest what makes me easily find whatever I want.
(18-06-2016, 06:19 AM)venam Wrote: some rsync commands
For what I need, rsync is an overkill, and needs to be installed/compiled on the targeted platform.
With a shell script, I can keep it along with my data on my USB key, and run it on any UNIX.
lsync(1) Mirroring utility lsync(1)
LSync - Mirror two local dirs keeping the latest version
lsync [-v] [-e PATTERN] DIR1 DIR2
-e Exclude PATTERN from the search, matching the whole path.
-v View the output without copying anything.
DIR The two directories to mirror.
LSync mirrors data across two directories so that both contains all the
files from each other keeping the timestapms.
When a file exists in both directories, if they do not have the same
timestamps, the most recent file overwrite the other.
There is no deletion performed.
Example of output it produces on screen:
[EDIT]: That way, I can grep the output for '>>>' or ' > ' to see what is overwritten or copied from left to right, '>' to see whatever comes from left to right...
It only contains these commands + shell builtins: <code>
mkdir find cut -c tee sed sort uniq tee grep -v cp -p cp -pf
But I would not recommand to use it in production, as I am a beginner, and there may be many flaws to it.
[ $# -lt 2 ] || [ $# -gt 5 ] && printf '%s\n' '
LSync - Mirror two local dirs keeping the latest version
lsync [-v] [-e PATTERN] DIR1 DIR2
-e Exclude PATTERN from the search, matching the whole path.
-v View the output without copying anything.
DIR The two directories to mirror.
LSync mirrors data across two directories so that both contains all the
files from each other keeping the timestapms.
When a file exists in both directories, if they do not have the same
timestamps, the most recent file overwrite the other.
There is no deletion performed.
' && exit 0
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
do case "$1" in
'-e' ) p="$2"; shift ;;
'-v' ) v=1 ;;
* ) [ -z "$dir1" ] && dir1="$1" || dir2="$1" ;;
copied=0; overwritten=0; directories=0; identical=0
# Generate a path list for all the files from both directories
find "$dir1" | cut -c $((${#dir1} + 1))-
find "$dir2" | cut -c $((${#dir2} + 1))-
} | sed 's/^\///' | sort | uniq | {
[ -z "$p" ] && tee || grep -v "$p"
} | {
while read path
# Create directories
if [ -d "$dir1/$path" ] || [ -d "$dir2/$path" ]
then [ -z "$v" ] && mkdir -p "$dir1/$path" "$dir2/$path"
printf '\033[1;30m %s\033[0m\n' "$path"
directories=$(($directories + 1))
# Copy files that does not exist on one side
elif [ ! -e "$dir2/$path" ]
then [ -z "$v" ] && cp -p "$dir1/$path" "$dir2/$path"
printf '\033[1;32m1 > 2\033[0m %s\n' "$path"
copied=$(($copied + 1))