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Thread: Hey Nixers, what do you do when you are stuck on a programming/tech problem?
Post: RE: Hey Nixers, what do you do when you are stuck ...
Whenever I'm stuck it's usually because of exhaustion or a mental block. Postponing the problem for later, or doing something else (e.g. going on a walk) always help. There have been many occasions wh... |
Tmplt |
Off topic
10 |
12,647 |
28-07-2019, 10:38 AM |
Thread: Bookwyrm — development thread
Post: RE: Bookwyrm — development thread
A first usable release (v0.6.0) has now been released! Get your tarball over at! Unfortunately, GitHub does not check out submodules before building the rele... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
18 |
31,350 |
26-12-2018, 10:18 PM |
Thread: This is me
Post: RE: This is me
Tmplt |
11 |
11,737 |
28-06-2018, 06:38 PM |
Thread: Bookwyrm — development thread
Post: RE: Bookwyrm — development thread
Bookwyrm now installs all files into correct directories, just specify a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and it shall be adhered.
The python libraries bs4, furl, requests and isbnlib are required for the libgen... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
18 |
31,350 |
27-05-2018, 06:17 PM |
Thread: Bookwyrm — development thread
Post: RE: Bookwyrm — development thread
bookwyrm is now in a quasi-usable state as of v0.5.0 (out now!) A fresh copy can be acquired at your closest mirror — probably or |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
18 |
31,350 |
11-05-2018, 07:59 PM |
Thread: Bookwyrm — development thread
Post: RE: Bookwyrm — development thread
Above issue has been fixed, along with another segfault, with some very appriciated help from the pybind11 devs. Unfortunately the fix is Linux and GCC specific (please see this issue), but I do aim t... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
18 |
31,350 |
05-05-2018, 08:50 AM |
Thread: Those "new" $33 Kindle Tablets
Post: RE: Those "new" $33 Kindle Tablets
(30-11-2016, 10:51 AM)hades Wrote: What's your cheapest Android Device, and how does it do?
The cheapest Android device I have is my phone, an a Xiaomi Redmi Note 3. Have flashed it multiple times w... |
Tmplt |
Android & Iphone
7 |
11,480 |
30-04-2018, 12:00 AM |
Thread: What are you working on?
Post: RE: What are you working on?
In current course work (real-time systems) we're writing bare-metal C on an AVR Butterfly. I'm surprised at how comfy the language is, especially coming from C++. With all warnings enabled, I have yet... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
418 |
451,117 |
06-03-2018, 08:13 PM |
Thread: Bookwyrm — development thread
Post: RE: Bookwyrm — development thread
(24-02-2018, 01:41 AM)NetherOrb Wrote: As a cs student I cant thank you enough.I thank you for your appriciation thus far, but the project isn't in a usable state yet!
By the by, I'm currently havi... |
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Programming On Unix
18 |
31,350 |
24-02-2018, 08:48 AM |
Thread: Struggling to use linux in college
Post: RE: Struggling to use linux in college
(30-01-2018, 09:46 AM)Houseoftea Wrote: Something worth noting is that apple products have become a status symbol among college students in the states.This applies to a degree in Sweden also, especi... |
Tmplt |
32 |
43,670 |
30-01-2018, 03:04 PM |
Thread: ご機嫌よう
Post: RE: ご機嫌よう
(Your website is down) |
Tmplt |
10 |
18,068 |
28-01-2018, 03:01 PM |
Thread: UNIX Diary
Post: RE: UNIX Diary
(22-01-2018, 08:14 AM)jkl Wrote: I wonder if the reliability is good enough though.Thus far I've not have had to invoke systemd manually. It remains to be seen if I must do that when I deploy on my ... |
Tmplt |
Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses
188 |
240,557 |
22-01-2018, 01:02 PM |
Thread: UNIX Diary
Post: RE: UNIX Diary
Dear UNIX diary, today I installed NixOS on my laptop.
Having run Arch Linux for quite some time I couldn't shake the feeling of probable inconvenience; if any of my systems, for whatever reason, dec... |
Tmplt |
Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses
188 |
240,557 |
21-01-2018, 10:02 PM |
Thread: nixers community git
Post: RE: nixers community git
Confirmed; no errors now. |
Tmplt |
Community & Forums Related Discussions
86 |
116,194 |
16-01-2018, 02:36 PM |
Thread: nixers community git
Post: RE: nixers community git
There are a lot of symbols not being found when pushing:
Code:$ git push --force nixers backend-seperation # a rebase branch, mind
Counting objects: 47, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threa... |
Tmplt |
Community & Forums Related Discussions
86 |
116,194 |
13-01-2018, 09:19 AM |
Thread: Bookwyrm — development thread
Post: RE: Bookwyrm — development thread
(12-01-2018, 10:36 AM)Houseoftea Wrote: I'm sure it'll be helpful for uni.Yes, this is the main reason behind the project! It will be especially useful for CS curriculums where most text books in us... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
18 |
31,350 |
12-01-2018, 07:40 PM |
Thread: Bookwyrm — development thread
Post: RE: Bookwyrm — development thread
Short update: after a friend of mine helped with some debugging last night the idea of library-fying the backend sprung to life. Restructuring bookwyrm to be but a library managing plugins, and exposi... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
18 |
31,350 |
12-01-2018, 08:16 AM |
Thread: OpenBSD on personal laptop?
Post: RE: OpenBSD on personal laptop?
(06-12-2017, 05:00 PM)pizzaroll1 Wrote: I do dual boot with Windows due to terrible proprietary software I have to run sometimesAny reason you're virtualizing Windows? Hardware access requirements? |
Tmplt |
16 |
32,575 |
06-12-2017, 05:21 PM |
Thread: What are you working on?
Post: RE: What are you working on?
(04-12-2017, 10:51 AM)jkl Wrote: what a damn mess of a language!I'm currently taking a course where rust plays a key part, and from the C++ I've written, Rust feels like an improvement overall. I re... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
418 |
451,117 |
04-12-2017, 12:33 PM |
Thread: What are you working on?
Post: RE: What are you working on?
(04-12-2017, 04:05 AM)resk Wrote: cpr looks neat way easier than doing libcurl.
What exactly is it missing ?streamed requests which, if I understand the term correctly, will be useful for larger fil... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
418 |
451,117 |
04-12-2017, 10:39 AM |
Thread: What are you working on?
Post: RE: What are you working on?
Currently working on bookwyrm's downloading component. I began by using cpr, a spiritual port of Python's requests to C++, but it lacks some features I will require in the future. So now I'm learning ... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
418 |
451,117 |
02-12-2017, 06:54 PM |
Thread: Mastodon
Post: RE: Mastodon
Does Mastadon not allow anyone on any node to talk to someone on another node? I've stumbled upon Mastadon before, but not yet grasped how the decentralization works. |
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Off topic
11 |
15,789 |
30-11-2017, 06:09 PM |
Thread: DIY Laptop
Post: RE: DIY Laptop
If there is anything the laptop market needs it is modularity, but with sub-3h battery time and an external cord that loops back into the screen you wont get far. I wouldn't buy the first flying car e... |
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Hardware talk
4 |
8,735 |
15-11-2017, 07:56 PM |
Thread: we are connected
Post: RE: we are connected
I never did consider Swedish podcasts. With every passing year I've been reading/listened/spoken Swedish a little less than the year before. Calling it my mother language would be an insult to it!
Th... |
Tmplt |
18 |
17,386 |
15-11-2017, 07:40 PM |
Thread: we are connected
Post: RE: we are connected
Hälsningar från Norrland!
(15-11-2017, 05:51 PM)budRich Wrote: I want to get out of here...I end up thinking about this more often, but I'm not yet sure why. I fear I might have a case of the grass... |
Tmplt |
18 |
17,386 |
15-11-2017, 06:38 PM |
Thread: A Nixers Internet Badge
Post: RE: A Nixers Internet Badge
(01-11-2017, 01:05 PM)resk Wrote: then why not create something that is a mix between a glider (GoL) and that star, they both use the same colors (at least).How would they be combined? Replace the d... |
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Unix Related Arts & Image Manipulation Software
21 |
26,215 |
02-11-2017, 09:56 PM |
Thread: Retro rice
Post: RE: Retro rice
(30-10-2017, 01:00 PM)resk Wrote:
I'm not sure why, but I really like katriawm's decorations. I should probably see if I can spend a ... |
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Desktop Customization & Workflow
12 |
18,623 |
31-10-2017, 07:31 PM |
Thread: Hello resk reporting in
Post: RE: Hello resk reporting in
A warm welcome! Welcome to nixers! |
Tmplt |
11 |
12,877 |
19-10-2017, 08:15 PM |
Thread: Your dream project
Post: RE: Your dream project
Lately I've been wanting a torrent client with the same model of mpd. I currently use rtorrent, but I find the configuration confusing, and having to run it in a detached screen/tmux session feels nee... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
25 |
29,005 |
17-10-2017, 03:12 PM |
Thread: Logical volume management on NetBSD
Post: RE: Logical volume management on NetBSD
A perhaps boring result, but I decided to got with FreeNAS. Nevertheless, thanks for your recommendations. |
Tmplt |
6 |
9,955 |
14-10-2017, 12:41 PM |
Thread: Logical volume management on NetBSD
Post: RE: Logical volume management on NetBSD
I see. Perhaps I should look at a solution that has redundancy in mind. I initially dismissed ZFS because extending with additional drives in the future could get troublesome. I'll have to look into i... |
Tmplt |
6 |
9,955 |
27-09-2017, 07:56 PM |
Thread: Logical volume management on NetBSD
Post: Logical volume management on NetBSD
After a Western Digital sale I managed to get my hands on a decently sized HDD in preparation for a NAS I'm gonna build. The plan was to use OpenBSD and a logical volume manager so that I could just t... |
Tmplt |
6 |
9,955 |
27-09-2017, 05:49 PM |
Thread: Hello, nixers!
Post: RE: Hello, nixers!
Welcome to nixers!
Getting a 502 from your site, though. |
Tmplt |
5 |
7,450 |
23-09-2017, 08:39 PM |
Thread: Hello
Post: RE: Hello
A warm welcome to nixers! |
Tmplt |
8 |
10,020 |
22-09-2017, 10:09 PM |
Thread: The Guess What I'm Talking About Game
Post: RE: The Guess What I'm Talking About Game
(07-09-2017, 11:03 AM)josuah Wrote: My turn:
Quote:Look at me, I'm old, but I'm happy.
I give you the size.
I give you the content... Well, not quite.
That is a line.
Look in the box, I may ... |
Tmplt |
Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses
173 |
195,472 |
07-09-2017, 11:17 AM |
Thread: Is there an X11 utility to scale a window?
Post: Is there an X11 utility to scale a window?
My main monitor is an Qnix QX2710 imported from Korea. It has a nice 1440p resolution and size, but did not come with decent EDID. As such, it only has a single RandR mode out of the box. It was only ... |
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Desktop Customization & Workflow
7 |
12,097 |
21-08-2017, 09:41 PM |
Thread: Howdy
Post: RE: Howdy
(16-08-2017, 07:04 AM)Sweets Wrote: Favorite language is C++
What a coincidence! Do you have any projects you're working on? |
Tmplt |
8 |
8,331 |
16-08-2017, 01:08 PM |
Thread: Howdy
Post: RE: Howdy
Tmplt |
8 |
8,331 |
16-08-2017, 07:46 AM |
Thread: Bookwyrm — development thread
Post: RE: Bookwyrm — development thread
Bookwyrm is slowly taking form. The index menu has seen some improvement:
The part were the index menu is minimized is where I open another (unfinishe... |
Tmplt |
Programming On Unix
18 |
31,350 |
07-08-2017, 07:44 PM |
Thread: nixers community git
Post: RE: nixers community git
Bookwyrm is currently licensed under the GPLv3+, mostly because pybind11 is as well. Will this cause trouble during packaging? |
Tmplt |
Community & Forums Related Discussions
86 |
116,194 |
03-08-2017, 07:19 AM |
Thread: Nixers project: Bittorrent library
Post: RE: New project: Bittorrent library
(30-07-2017, 09:15 AM)z3bra Wrote: My plan was to implement the RFC from top to bottom, so I started with bencoding.
That's a smart way of doing it. I'll see if there is anything I can do when I hav... |
Tmplt |
Community & Forums Related Discussions
53 |
60,259 |
30-07-2017, 09:45 AM |
Thread: Nixers project: Bittorrent library
Post: RE: New project: Bittorrent library
I did, but I believe I need to (at least) skim through the RFC.
Is "gbt" an abbreviation for grizzly bittorrent? |
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Community & Forums Related Discussions
53 |
60,259 |
30-07-2017, 07:31 AM |
Thread: Nixers project: Bittorrent library
Post: RE: New project: Bittorrent library
Cool! Is the plan to extend synk(1) with this?
I'm definitely up for it. It's about time I learn C. |
Tmplt |
Community & Forums Related Discussions
53 |
60,259 |
30-07-2017, 07:20 AM |
Thread: Nixers Self Assessment
Post: RE: Nixers Self Assessment
(28-07-2017, 01:32 PM)z3bra Wrote: We can't see the form results, unless we resubmit itOh, in that case: |
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Community & Forums Related Discussions
22 |
27,417 |
28-07-2017, 03:50 PM |
Thread: Nixers Self Assessment
Post: RE: Nixers Self Assessment
(27-07-2017, 03:14 PM)z3bra Wrote: Go on share!Unless you're talking about something else, I already shared it in the Google form :P |
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Community & Forums Related Discussions
22 |
27,417 |
28-07-2017, 10:51 AM |