Networking course #1 - Physical layer - Servers Administration, Networking, & Virtualization

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Grey Hair Nixers
Second episode of this networking course. We went through the physical layer and the aspects it is involved with, from cables and hubs, to net topology.

The recorded version of this episode is available here: network_physical-20160811.webm
If you have any remark, or questions, feel free to ask.
The link 404s, can you check it.
Grey Hair Nixers
Fixed thanks. I messed up the video name.
Excellent work!

This raised my little understanding of the physical layer.
We all learn something new everyday, right?

I have a question concerning the bus topology.
I could wiki it but I couldn't verify my guess.
I thought you would take the star topology as an example for the home network, the mesh for the internet.

So here's my question with my assumption, correct me if wrong.
How does the bus work? It seems to me from the explanation that it's using a hub: any node in the hub can be separated without affecting the others.
However, isn't that the same as a "flat" star topology, everyone is connected to one node.
Grey Hair Nixers
(12-08-2016, 05:58 AM)venam Wrote: How does the bus work? It seems to me from the explanation that it's using a hub: any node in the hub can be separated without affecting the others.
However, isn't that the same as a "flat" star topology, everyone is connected to one node.

No, as everyone is connected to more than one node. if your ping one machine on the network, your request will go directly to this machine, without going through a "main node". This is what would happen in a star topology. As everyone is connected to a single node, all the traffic MUST pass by this node before reaching other nodes.

The physical wiring of a bus could go like this:

bus topology

                  [pc1]        [pc3]
                    |            |

Thus, all computers can ping themselves without ever going through the server.