Git ya some git! - Off topic

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Long time nixers

So, I've decided it'd be fun to set up a git server. It's in my house, but it's got fancy ECC RAM and *some* storage. I also run on the fabled British Internets so speed and availability shouldn't be a problem. PM me on these forums or on the IRC for details and/or an account.
May the slienz be with you.
Long time nixers
(26-03-2014, 06:03 PM)dami0 Wrote: I also run on the fabled British Internets so speed and availability shouldn't be a problem.

Good sire, where'st might one find'th thine extrordinary Internet?

Mine's like 1MB/s .-.
Long time nixers
Oh, then this is probably due to living near a big city.

Also, since I can't edit my post, I'll put it here: this is so far just SSH access through Gitolite and I need to add your SSH key for you to be able to do anything.