Trackball search - Hardware talk

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Long time nixers
Hey guys,

I was just curious to how many of you guys use trackballs, what some of the advantages are, and what linked applications do you find them useful for. I am looking at maybe getting one, so this will help with my research.


Unix is user-friendly. It's just picky about who its friends are.

I just use a simple Logitech M570 Trackball mouse

I don't know about advantages. I just don't need to move my hand to use the mouse with it.
Long time nixers
I use this thing. I originally got it because I was just curious and because I used my laptop at school where there was no space to move a mouse around. I really like it, and use it for everything I would use a mouse for (including first-person shooters, but I'm bad at those anyway so I can't say how good/bad it makes you at them :P).
(30-01-2015, 08:19 AM)kirby Wrote: I use this thing. I originally got it because I was just curious and because I used my laptop at school where there was no space to move a mouse around. I really like it, and use it for everything I would use a mouse for (including first-person shooters, but I'm bad at those anyway so I can't say how good/bad it makes you at them :P).

Have the exact same thing here. It's a decent starter trackball but feels cheap. Orignally started with a Logitech M570 because our mice were cheap, hollow, and made too much noise. Don't regret the change one bit. Currently have my eye on a CST2545W for it's third button and build quality.
Long time nixers
(31-01-2015, 01:07 AM)rocx Wrote: Currently have my eye on a CST2545W for it's third button and build quality.
Yeah, a couple other people on this forum have this, like yrmt. I feel like it is a good product and all, but it is so expensive for a trackball comparatively to how much a good mouse is...
Kensington Expert is a good starter trackball, and you can stick a standard American pool ball in there and it'll work perfectly, in case you lose it. The scroll ring does have a bit of a scruffy tactile feel, but it's not a functional issue.
Update for anyone still looking for a trackball.

Imported a Elecom M-DT2URBK. Unlike the Kensington Orbit, it does not feel like a cheap piece of crap and it's nice to use. Still haven't found a use for the three macro buttons on it. I give it a you should get one out of ten.
Been using this one for the last 10 12 years now. Link
I love the logictech trackman it so good. don't let the picture fool you it also very comfortable.
I've been on CST L-Trac for quite a while. It feels nice to work on even I tend to prefer mouseless setup as far as I can. It also contains two jack ports so you can build some extra switches from almost anything from it. I had a project where I built MX Blue switches in to a Lego case and used them as a back and next buttons. This just feels comfortable and I don't want to ditch it away.