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(16-04-2019, 05:57 AM)z3bra Wrote: I don't get it. You added this because you wanted the ability to do it without the keyboard?
Grey Hair Nixers
Fair enough :)
cwm is actually fairly usable with a mouse!

I never really understood the purpose of .xsession... Isn't it similar to .xinitrc ?
.xsession is the new .xinitrc :)

(It's a bit more complicated than that. Under OpenBSd, a single user doesn't have permission to start an Xsession, you must use xenodm (the login manager, or another) to do so : it reads .Xsession.
Grey Hair Nixers
Thanks for the heads up :)
Grey Hair Nixers
I am a bit confused -- doesn't .xprofile also fill that role? That's how I've been using it a few years now with display managers, at least. Since my .xinitrc ends with the `exec $wm` line I've getting away with this hack:

eval "$(head -n -1 .xinitrc)"
remapping caps-lock to escape.
Grey Hair Nixers
(25-04-2019, 04:32 AM)mrtn Wrote: remapping caps-lock to escape.
This. It's been so long that I did this that I'm now surprised when I use a computer without it!
yeah, it seems like such a small thing - but since the remapping, i've realized how often i use the escape key... bonus: no more touchbar-escape on my mbp ^_^

Well, OpenBSD cwm is great, but I was really missing the real multi workplace provided by dwm ( and dmenu ) . One cool thing : their is really a good thing to see. They were careful to put lines to include correctly the needed headers. Thins are quite faster with dwm. Xterm was also replaced again by st ( block yank really useful ).

All things were cloned to ${HOME}/src/ and the binaries symlinked to ${HOME}/bin.

I'm still using ksh, but I miss some things from bash like "{x..y}" or "for ((;;))". However, I'll train a little bit more with ksh.
Grey Hair Nixers
(22-05-2019, 10:13 PM)wolf Wrote: Well, OpenBSD cwm is great, but I was really missing the real multi workplace provided by dwm ( and dmenu ) .

Not trying to convince you back, just be aware that you have it on cwm, and it is quite similar to dwm's!
cwm has groups, while dwm has tags. The only difference being that a window can has multiple tags attached, but can only be part of a single group. You can display multiple groups or tags at the same time though.
Now dwm is different in many way from cwm, so I can understand why you switched :)

Good stuff you switched to OpenBSD though!
Long time nixers
Well, I'm currently writing my environment around cwm after z3bra's suggestion. It has some really nice defaults, and I've been using it almost completely around the mouse. Haven't got around to trying the groups functionality yet as I haven't had the time, but it sounds nice and simple to use as all you do is say you want this window class to go into this group by default which is basically what I mugged around with wew and my own groups script for a couple a years.

RE: Remapping ESC to capslock is wasted potential. Map it to control instead and get a programmable board like the pok3r so it'll be the same no matter what machine you are on.
(23-05-2019, 07:51 PM)Wildefyr Wrote: RE: Remapping ESC to capslock is wasted potential. Map it to control instead and get a programmable board like the pok3r so it'll be the same no matter what machine you are on.

ESC -> CapsLock is the best thing for those who don't have the luxury of buying a pok3r keyboard. I have multiple keyboards with ESC -> CapsLock and never had an issue.
Instead of remapping anything, I use this in vimrc
imap jk <Esc>

Pressing j k quickly is enough
Long time nixers
Well you can still map LCtrl to capslock as well.. I like ctrl personally especially on 70% or smaller boards as the ESC key gets repositioned right next to 1, replacing tilde/grave, most of these boards can be found cheaper than a pok3r as well. Even so, take vi for example, C-c will exit out of insert mode, which I'm sure we're all used to doing anyway.
Long time nixers
My latest workflow improvement has been abandoning my extremely customized rice that also used my own wm and other home-made tools, to be honest.

I used KDE Plasma after that for a while, I still use it on my laptop. It is the BEST DE experience you can have on Linux, it's very polished and integrated, too bad Qt looks kinda bad.

I am now using a very lightly configured openbox setup, with a stolen theme with altered colors and a terminal theme that doesn't match the setup at all, for the sake of contrast (This one). I haven't even configured stuff like workspace rules, because I usually have very few windows. I don't even use workspaces, even though sometimes I think that I should. I also have a dock with auto-hide (yes, I use the mouse) and jgmenu to launch stuff.

I am looking into switching to light color schemes. White on black text is much easier to read than black on white.
Long time nixers
(25-05-2019, 11:40 AM)Wildefyr Wrote: Well you can still map LCtrl to capslock as well..

setxkbmap -option caps:ctrl_modifier
xcape -e 'Caps_Lock=Escape'

With the commands above you will have BOTH control (while held down) AND esc (when tapped) on caps lock.
(26-05-2019, 06:59 AM)budRich Wrote:
(25-05-2019, 11:40 AM)Wildefyr Wrote: Well you can still map LCtrl to capslock as well..

setxkbmap -option caps:ctrl_modifier
xcape -e 'Caps_Lock=Escape'

With the commands above you will have BOTH control (while held down) AND esc (when tapped) on caps lock.

I have something similar for my setup, and this gives user the best of both worlds.

(25-05-2019, 02:10 AM)thuban Wrote: Instead of remapping anything, I use this in vimrc
imap jk <Esc>

Pressing j k quickly is enough

Yeah, but why hit two keys to exit when you can hit just one ;)
Grey Hair Nixers
Because timeouts.
I have recently replaced Zotero (bibliography management) with 3 shell scripts which extract DOI numbers from PDFs, extract bibliography information from PDFs, and downlaod PDFs. And then I moved a bit further, and replaced Calibre with… well nothing, just directories with epub files & rsync for when I plug my e-reader.
Long time nixers
Simply put, tmux. I don't know why it took me so long to try out. Now having so many dwm tags seems pointless.
Now enjoying Elinks ( elinks-0.13-20190627 ) on my OpenBSD 6.5 ( current ) with :
- youtube-dl + mplayer ( youtube videos )
- youtube-dl + ffmpeg + mpg123 ( youtube audios )

The build was okay with :

Standard, No Backtrace, IPv6, gzip, UTF-8, Periodic Saving, Viewer (Search History, Timer, Marks), Cascading Style Sheets, Protocol(Authentication, File, CGI, FTP, HTTP, URI rewrite, User protocols), SSL (OpenSSL), MIME (Option system, Mailcap, Mimetypes files), LED indicators, Bookmarks, Cookies, Form History, Global History, Scripting (Perl), Goto URL History

Sadly I wasn't able to add ecmascript ( spidermonkey ) support correctly. Yet.

Script for URL passing keybinds:

- view youtube videos

export _python="${HOME}/mnt/py3venv0/bin/python3" ;
export _youtubedl="${HOME}/mnt/py3venv0/bin/youtube-dl" ;
export ydl_opts="-q -o -" ;
export mp_opts="-really-quiet -forceidx -"
export vid_url="${1}" ;

    ${_python} ${_youtubedl} ${ydl_opts} "${1}" ;

    mplayer ${mp_opts} ;

    get_vid "${1}" | play  ;

main ${1} ;

- Listen only audio from youtube :

export _python="${HOME}/mnt/py3venv0/bin/python3" ;
export _youtubedl="${HOME}/mnt/py3venv0/bin/youtube-dl" ;
export ydl_opts="-q -o -" ;
export vid_url="${1}" ;
export ffmpeg_opts="-hide_banner -loglevel panic -n -i - -f mp3 -vn -acodec libmp3lame -" ;
export mp_opts="-v -" ;

    ${_python} ${_youtubedl} ${ydl_opts} "${1}" ;

    ffmpeg ${ffmpeg_opts} | mpg123 ${mp_opts} ;

    get_vid "${1}" | play  ;

main ${1} ;

My next step is to move from Thunderbird to neomutt.
Long time nixers
Refreshing workflow improvement: Getting rid of LaTeX.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
jkl Wrote: Refreshing workflow improvement: Getting rid of LaTeX.

So you're getting rid of LaTex but using something else instead it ?

I'm thinking about BSD mandoc .
Long time nixers
I chose groff for "letters and stuff" and Markdown for almost anything else. The one big feature missing in Markdown is a way to add CSS classes to specific paragraphs though. Still blogging in HTML. I wonder what will replace it one day.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Grey Hair Nixers
I recently stumbled upon scdoc, which is to mdoc(7) what markdown is to HTML.

I'm still not sure how I feel about it, but it sure is interesting and worth mentionning!
Long time nixers
Ah, sircmpwn's repositories are always a good source for things which you never thought you'd need.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
(22-07-2019, 06:00 PM)jkl Wrote: The one big feature missing in Markdown is a way to add CSS classes to specific paragraphs though. Still blogging in HTML. I wonder what will replace it one day.

What parser are you using? With pandoc you could just use or to add custom class or id attributes.
Long time nixers
Honestly, this is not really cleaner than just writing normal HTML.

I need that twice a year, one certain kind of my blog articles has right-aligned images with links behind them, colored subheaders and 100-or-so specially highligted SPANs. I wonder if I should investigate...

Maybe it is a viable solution. Thank you.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
I literally just add the colour after generating. It's as easy.
quick script to upgrade all my repos at once:
for i in *
if [ -d "$i" ]  ; then
cd "$i"
echo $PWD
git pull | svn up
cd ..