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Hey everyone.

I was uncertain as to whether or not I was going to post much, really anywhere. I have been lurking for what feels like forever now. I have only actively been using Linux for a few months.

I have been customizing my system for well over a decade now. I used to resource hack Windows back in the day. After making Vista tolerable, I gave up on it all.

So far I have only dabbled in some bash scripting. I'm interested in a wide variety of geeky things, and am rather old compared to most on here.

I'm also bug testing for my girlfriend's programs, and can be found under 4drift on reddit.
Grey Hair Nixers
Welcome to the jungle, I'm sure you'll fit in fine.
Long time nixers
Welcome! Linux and this side of computing is a vast world, try and find something you like and hop in, any of us would be happy to help in any endeavors I'm sure.

If you haven't already, hop onto the irc at, channel #nixers, most of our discussion is done there.
Long time nixers
welcome to nixers!
Long time nixers
Hey new person! I recommend learning true POSIX shell scripting instead of using bashism's, but other than that welcome :D
Beware of her bugs...
Welcome here.
Grey Hair Nixers
Welcome to the forum! Have a nice stay!
@neeasade, @xero

Thanks. It is, I am interested in so much, it's hard to start anything large. I haven't installed an irc client yet, nor have I used one in over a decade. But I might have to do that.

I still have a lot to read up on. I started writing scripts to get the most precise control I can out of my window movements/controls. Thanks.

Haha. She's a game dev, but she wrote a directional task switcher in one afternoon after my extreme frustration of alt+tabbing. Now she's working on a window manager built on rust for fun.

Long time nixers
Welcome to Nixers
~Seraphim R.P.
the artistnixer formerly known as vypr formerly known as sticky