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hi there! i'm a, what people call, "fullstack developer" located in the sunny costa del sol, in andalusia.

i've ended up here because i felt in love with minimalism and i've been like a year or so decluttering my life. for me (like you, i think), computers are one of the pillars of my life and it needs to be decluttered too, so i started to reduce my tools: i've moved from laravel/symfony to slim + a curated list of components, from macOS to minimal netinst debian (although, i want to try any *BSD)... you get the idea.

one day, i ended up at unixporn and i discovered those minimalists desktops screenshots using tile windows managers or just wmutils and my mind blown up. seeing what people achieve with tiny pieces of software was magical for me. checking the dotfiles of a user called xero gave me hints about this site and... well, i'm here!

i expect to learn a lot here and share unix related experiences with all of you.
Welcome to the nixers forum kerunaru

(25-05-2017, 06:02 AM)kerunaru Wrote: checking the dotfiles of a user called xero gave me hints about this site and... well, i'm here!
This was the same way for me, but beforehand I soaked in the wisdom published in z3bra's blog.
Long time nixers
There are actually people who call themselves "full-stack developers" unironically? Which one? ;-)

Welcome to nixers!

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
jkl Wrote:Which one? ;-)

an intersection between both devops engineer and front-end but i use php instead of nodejs on server-side... i didn't write any docker tutorial either (~^·^)~
Long time nixers
Welcome to the thunderdome.
(25-05-2017, 10:20 AM)jkl Wrote: There are actually people who call themselves "full-stack developers" unironically? Which one? ;-)

You made my day!

...and welcome to the group kerunaru.
Long time nixers
Welcome kerunaru. I came here from yet another door (looking for communities close to suckless), and mostly for the same reasons. :-)
Welcome, kerunaru. Ricing is love, ricing is life
Long time nixers
Quote:welcome to nixers

my dotfiles ring in another one ;D
welcome and have fun. escpecially with the dots!