[Python] patron - a boss button to use while slacking! - Programming On Unix

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Long time nixers

patron (fr. for "boss") is a little Python script that helps you run command sequences from a single button. You can use it to switch between workspaces, change volume, etc. Examples:

# Return to the first workspace when the button is clicked, and to the
# second one when clicked again
patron 'bspc desktop -f ^1' 'bspc desktop -f ^2' -l 'Work!' 'Slack!'

# Mute all sounds when the boss is near, and blast it off when he's away (FreeBSD)
patron 'mixer -s vol 0' 'mixer -s vol 100' -l 'mute!' 'PARTY TIME!!' -w 10

# Take a screenshot of the screen
patron -l 'Scrot' 'scrot unix.png'



Hope it will be useful for you!

Messages In This Thread
[Python] patron - a boss button to use while slacking! - by berk - 21-06-2014, 10:52 AM