ELI5: what is the Ports-tree? - BSD

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Grey Hair Nixers
A port-tree is a cook book. But instead of making cakes, you create packages.
Instead of pages, you have directories.
Instead of recipes, you have scripts or makefiles (depending on your system).

The most simple recipe to build a package would be:


wget http://project.org/download/cookies-0.1.tar.gz
tar xvzf cookies-0.1.tar.zg
cd cookies-0.1
make install

Where would you put this recipe ? In your cookbook :

    |`- fish/
    |`- meat/
    |`- cake/
    |    `- cookies/
    |        `- recipe.sh
     `- drink/

This, tiny boy, is a cookbook port-tree

Messages In This Thread
ELI5: what is the Ports-tree? - by fayesafe - 06-09-2014, 11:16 AM
RE: ELI5: what is the Ports-tree? - by venam - 06-09-2014, 11:18 AM
RE: ELI5: what is the Ports-tree? - by z3bra - 06-09-2014, 01:34 PM
RE: ELI5: what is the Ports-tree? - by pizzaroll1 - 06-09-2014, 02:55 PM