Preferred Terminal Emulator - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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I use urxvt, mainly because I can't get any other terminal to be efficient enough for me. Terminals are where I spend 90% of my time when I'm on a computer, so I jsut CAN'T cut it off... I've tried many terms so far, and urxvt has the best minimalism/efficiency rate.
I'll not even bother speaking about konsole, gnoem-term, satura, guake and such... xterm: buggy as hell termite: depends on VTE evilvte : depends on VTE st: no URL grabbing via keybinds tinyterm: HOW THE HELL CAN YOU CLAIM TO BE TINY WHEN YOU RELY ON VTE ?! demo.c: Well, a bit raw for me, and depends on VTE anyway As you see, too much many terminals rely on the VTE lib (which is REALLY heavy). The only terms that don't use it are xterm, urxvt and st. And from those three, only urxvt fill my needs |