Creating an OpenBSD distro - BSD
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That project we had going a while back to make a Nixers Linux distro was pretty cool, I thought, but I like OpenBSD more. I had to think of a name for the repo, so I called it DietBSD (like diet libc, it's OpenBSD but on a diet).
The repo is here: If you want to try it out, there's an image for amd64 on one of the releases, you can run it using Code: $ qemu-system-x86_64 dietbsd-0.0.1-amd64.fs Or I suppose you could dd it to a USB stick and boot it on your real amd64 machine, but that's probably not worth it. It doesn't do much at the moment (inits then starts /bin/sh), and I'm looking for ideas. What would be cool to have in an OS? I'm thinking musl libc, maybe sbase and sinit (from, but what else? my website: