Creating an OpenBSD distro - BSD
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Thanks for the encouragement! Earlier today, I pushed some new stuff which makes it actually usable. You can log in, write things using the only editor you need (cat) and even change your hostname. The latest release is here: To use it, install QEMU:
Code: # apt-get install qemu Then download the image from the releases page and gunzip it: Code: $ gunzip dietbsd-0.0.2-amd64.fs.gz Then use QEMU to run it (or dd to a USB stick and boot it): Code: $ qemu-system-x86_64 dietbsd-0.0.2-amd64.fs You don't even need OpenBSD to run it, only QEMU. It's still pretty useless at the moment and barely does anything, but since it does the bare minimum, I can now start adding actual programs and libraries. But what programs should I add to the base system? Is there anything anyone wants to see in an OS (albeit a toy OS)? my website: