I have lot's of projects I start and then abandon as I realise I'm nowhere near good enough to implement them... and a lot of it is done in haskell as I'm too lazy to write them in C/Scheme. So, The following is a list of non uni projects:
Projects queue:
- Image recognition (probably Haskell)
- Voice recognition (again... Haskell)
- Neural Network for writing my dissertation for me (If I can I will as I hate writing)
- Simple scripting language for IRC bots (Haskell... maybe a lisp?)
- Lambda calculus interpreter ( C )
- Website for projects (Haskell/Purescript)
- Ascii logic gate simulator (Haskell or C)
- x86 Interpreter (Haskell or C. want to learn ASM properly)
Prioects working on:
- IRC Bot Server (Haskell)
- Neural Network (Haskell)
- IRC Client (Haskell)
- Chess Game IRC Bot (Haskell)
Projects finished (since sep 2015):
- Custom markup -> HTML (Haskell)
- Higher Order Markov chain (Haskell)
- Lating dictionary IRC bot (Haskell)
- BF Interpreter ( C )
- Echo server ( C )
- IRC Bot (Haskell)
- Little Man Computer Simulator + Assembler (Scheme)
- Ascii graph library (Haskell)
- Chat Server (Haskell)
- Haskell Lens library (Why are there so many bad tutorials?)
Calculus (I really suck at maths... made the graph library so I can display graphs directly from GHCi)
Category Theory (Thanks Haskell...)
Coq (For fun... even if I only understand small parts of math)
Would like to work on a group project as I haven't had a chance to yet... (thanks uni... the others can't program outside of python and java)