Idea for a "week of the vintage OS" - Old school stuff
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(31-05-2021, 09:55 AM)seninha Wrote: 1985 would be too limiting. CP/M might be an interesting choice for circa 1985. Bonus points for anyone who has an old Morrow MD1, MD2, or MD3 machine, but maybe there's a Z80 emulator we can use on our Unix boxes. My first son was born in 1985 so I have a fairly clear recollection of the time. There are photos of me with a sleeping newborn on one arm and a Microsoft C Compiler manual in my free hand. The IBM PC had already been introduced and MS-DOS was the thing. So maybe spending some time with old DOS programs is a way to scratch the retro itch? If you're violently anti-M$, there's always FreeDOS. (I have fond memories of PC-Outline. R:Base with its railroad-diagram prompts for constructing SQL queries. And of course, since this is nixers, the MKS Toolkit -- although I'm not sure whether that was available as early as 1985. ) I miss the days when most computer users were still skeptical about those new-fangled graphical user interfaces. |