Let's see your githubs, and let's get forkin' - Community & Forums Related Discussions

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Long time nixers
(16-11-2013, 08:48 AM)bottomy Wrote: Although as far as the collision check itself (the above comments were as far as the entire check with movement) you're creating rects for each side (I can see you're doing that to determine the side of the collision) however you don't seem to be checking the inside of the bounds. So unlike a rect-rect intersection check (which is what I assume you want) it's not going to detect that one case. Another issue with the sides check is that it is greedy, there is more likelyhood of TOPLEFT being returned (or the other down the list) if there is an object that is colliding with multiple sides as it's the first comparison (this may be an issue or it may not). Lastly if you're only performing the checks on movement, then the side detection seems redundant as you would only be able to collide with something in the direction you move (so the sides facing that direction).

I remember having some issues when I didn't check for the individual sides, mostly concerning the falling of the character. Is it alright if I PM you in a few days when I've got a bit less work to do so we can discuss this? :)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Let's see your githubs, and let's get forkin' - by kirby - 16-11-2013, 01:18 PM