How do you tidy your home, aka `tree -L2 ~` - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Long time nixers

Short note on /home/src related to OpenBSD: there is not enough room on /usr to fit /usr/obj, /usr/src, /usr/ports on my system, so these three are symlinks to matching subdirectories of /home/src/openbsd/.
This also fits OpenBSD's advise to have a separate dedicated user for compiling the system sources, eventually adding regular users for them.

Frequently encountered situation: I am in the middle of /home/josuah/Music, and want to quick git clone a github repo so I can actually grep the thing without waiting Github slow datacenters to move their arses. If it was too uncomfortable, I would never have done it. Since that move, I do: "doas su -l src; git clone $url" (doas might be sudo on Linux) and bam! I can resume to whatever I was doing in a blast without changing my shell history or working directory thanks to "su -l".

The whole thing might feel weird, or even flawed (I'd love to hear your impression :) if you think either!). And I am usually doubting on how to organise the rest in /home/josuah/. Everyone's posts above help me organise my own mess!

Messages In This Thread
RE: How do you tidy your home, aka `tree -L2 ~` - by josuah - 22-05-2022, 08:51 AM