Ricerous, A Community Project About Ricing - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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Ricerous, A Community Project About Ricing
This thread is to keep track of a project. Introduction: We've tried to pull out many community projects in the past and they all failed to fulfill their purpose. Recently, on irc, some of us were discussing this matter and tried to give new ideas for a solid project. The main concern was that to regroup the community we needed a project that everyone could contribute, had knowledge about, and liked. The word "ricing" came to our mind and we started brainstorming what projects we could all work on, that would touch this subject, that would help other people, and that would, in a sense, regroup the community. The Idea A kind of portable wiki diary program about ricing. It regroups altogether what can be riced with useful information and link about it. It also let the user notes/comments in each sections to keep track of what has been done. The notes can then be exported/imported in multiple formats. Goal
Beginner ricers that don't know where to start. Advanced users that get lost when they want to share info about their setup. Scratch pad etherpad The information Requirements
[X] "I don't know what I'm doing what's that thing called a shell... oh that's it, let's see what I can do and add it in the comments" or [X] "I wanna keep track of what I did config in my shell, ah yeah I forgot to add my aliases" Mock-ups & User Interface Designs In the same order as in the scratch pad, meaning in the same order that they have been done. You can follow up the conversation about them on the pad to argue about them.
Same thing as with the UI, to get more info read the pad.
Here is the community repo: https://github.com/nixers-projects/ricerous [/list] List Of Riceable Things And Info Please refer to this pad. What Needs To Be Done
What Has Been Done [X] Means that it has been fulfilled in the above requirements and expectations. Here are some screenshots of the program: How To Test Install kivy. Code: $ git clone https://github.com/nixers-projects/ricerous Contributors