Brainstorm About Scientifically Proven Digital Attention Helpers - Off topic

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Long time nixers
What do we think of pink wallpaper? This sort of pink Also a white wallpaper.

Also, nowadays I've completely deleted Facebook, my phone is always on silent, and often in another room (or somewhere where I have to stand up to check it), so WhatsApp and so on aren't a problem.

I've also tried to just have no music on. This works very well for me, especially when having trouble concentrating. Though I'm in a quiet environment.

My favorite editor colorscheme is [Mac Classic for vim](, anything more I find distracting to look at, I also don't install any plugins that provide better JS syntax groups, because that completely messes with the minimalism.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Brainstorm About Scientifically Proven Digital Attention Helpers - by greduan - 02-04-2018, 11:22 AM