Brainstorm About Scientifically Proven Digital Attention Helpers - Off topic

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Long time nixers
Nowadays I'm getting into Deep Work as defined by Cal Newport in his book "Deep Work".

His emphasis is on what Deep Work is, who it has helped (many important scientists and so on), what worsens a person's ability to do Deep Work (social media, etc.), and how to improve it or where you can apply it.

Really can recommend the book Deep Work.

Now as for what I do nowadays:

- During work I put my phone in flight mode and away in some drawer or another room.
- I close/hide (Cmd-h in macOS) all unrelated windows.

The above are the two definite changes. The other big change, which is very hard, is just pure discipline. "Oh I feel like opening Reddit" NO, DON'T DO IT. It's really hard but I think it pays off, at least in improving my chances of getting into Deep Work.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Brainstorm About Scientifically Proven Digital Attention Helpers - by greduan - 21-05-2018, 03:28 PM