Simplest way to show user messages from an irc channel in a terminal - Servers Administration, Networking, & Virtualization

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Long time nixers
buttcake: I write too much... :-P

You can give this a try:

ii -s &
sleep 3 && printf '/j #%s\n' "$2" > "$HOME/irc/$1/in"
sleep 1 && cd "$HOME/$1/#$2" && less out

Let call it iic or anything. Then you can do "iic unix"

This open the output buffer in less. Thn to make it scrolling as message come, press 'F'. To write a message, press 'Ctrl + C' then '!echo message > in', then 'F' again.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Simplest way to show user messages from an irc channel in a terminal - by josuah - 26-05-2017, 06:48 PM