People complaining about your tiny font - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Grey Hair Nixers
Regarding fonts, I tend to use what's available, and like the ability to adjust the font on the fly (must life changed the day I realised st(1) can do that!). I do agree that tiny font really look better, and when it comes to readability things must be easy to read. Bigger fonts do help in this case.

I read pages of logs all day, and am constently changing the font. First a tiny one to have the most info available on the screen, in order to search for specific keyword, patterns amd such, and then increase the font by 3-4 points when I find an interesting line to read it comfortably.

Once you get used to it, you can't come back!

Messages In This Thread
RE: People complaining about your tiny font - by z3bra - 11-06-2017, 06:58 AM