Nixers Book Club - Book #2: The UNIX-HATERS Handbook - Community & Forums Related Discussions

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Ch 7.

Hey look we still have x and all it's baggage. I appreciate the work put into wayland, not easy to replace something as prolific as x.

Ch 8.

Quote:As soon as a feature was added to a shell, someone wrote a shell script that depended on that feature, thereby ensuring its survival. Bad ideas and features don’t die out.

Agree, wish it wasn't this way so often.

Another quote that grabbed me. spend all your time learning to do complex and peculiar things that are, in the end, not really all that impressive.

The chapter ends with an email from Jamie Zawinski which caught my eye, I remember reading his interview in the book Coders at Work. Not surprised he was determined enough to find the file using the shell.

Ch 9.

Quote:Experienced C programmers know to ignore all but the first parse error from a compiler.

I don't think this is unique to C or the unix environment.

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RE: Nixers Book Club - Book #2: The UNIX-HATERS Handbook - by ylambda - 13-02-2021, 11:34 AM