What does your relatives think of you, and your *nix hobby? - Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses

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Grey Hair Nixers
(08-09-2020, 12:46 PM)vain Wrote: But don't get me started on "why don't you use whatsapp?".

I actually (somehow) solved that problem. I have setup an IRC server for myself, with a matterbridge relay connecting it to a whatsapp account. The whatsapp application itself is running on an emulated headless android phone hosted on a VPS.

There are some limitations of course, but I can use whatsapp.

You can find some more context here gopher://z3bra.org/0/phlog/001-online-messaging.txt

Messages In This Thread
RE: What does your relatives think of you, and your *nix hobby? - by z3bra - 08-09-2020, 01:15 PM