Backups are for weaklings! - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Long time nixers
lol That's just the status dump to my email :P It only runs if something went wrong and there's a status message for me.

If you're curious about the actual code that creates archives from given path and content info, it's as follows (it doesn't have the actual forum related script yet. Maybe I'll post that in the PHP board when it's done)

*Edit* Forgot to add, the relevant "path splitting" happens in *filePath* and archive checking/insertion happens in *archive*, of course
* File storage, retrieval operations including file uploading
* and caching.
* This class depends on ARCHIVE, CACHE and UPLOAD defined variables
* E.G. define( 'ARCHIVE',    '/data/archive' );
* E.G. define( 'CACHE',    '/data/cache' );
* E.G. define( 'UPLOAD',    '/data/uploads' );
* CAUTION: This is a super beta script!
* @author Eksith Rodrigo
* @version 0.1
class File {
     * Handles file uploading via PUT
     * @param string $name Unique uploading file name
     * @param string $file Location which will be hashed
    public static function putUpload( $name, $file ) {
        $uploaded    = array();
        if ( !$put = fopen( 'php://input', 'r' ) ) {
            return $uploaded;
        $src        = self::filePath( UPLOAD, $file ) . $name;
        $src        = self::duplicateName( $src );
        $f        = fopen( $src, 'w' );
        while( $data = fread( $put, 1024 ) ) {
            fwrite( $f, $data );
        fclose( $f );
        fclose( $put );
        return $uploaded;    
     * Handles file (single or multi-file) uploading via POST
     * @param string $name Unique file path (usually URL)
     * @param string $file Uploading file field
    public static function postUpload( $name, $file ) {
        $files        = array();
        $uploaded    = array();
        $src        = self::filePath( UPLOAD, $name );
         * Multi-file upload
        if ( is_array( $_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'] ) ) {
            $files = self::groupProps( $_FILES[$file] );
         * Single file upload
        } else {
            $files[] = $_FILES[$file];
        foreach( $files as $f ) {
            $label = self::duplicateName( $src . $f['tmp_name']['name'] );
             * Put each uploaded file into the upload path and append the
             * new file name and its checksum
            if ( move_uploaded_file( $f['tmp_name'], $label ) ) {
                $uploaded[] = array( $label, sha1_file( $label ) );
        return $uploaded;
     * Renames a file name from filename.ext to filename(1).ext etc... to
     * ensure, we don't have naming conflicts with existing files
     * @param string $path File path E.G. /upload/file.jpg
     * @returns If path already exists, returns /upload/file(2).jpg
    public static function duplicateName( $path ) {
        $i = 1;
        while ( file_exists( $path ) ) {
            $info = pathinfo( $path );
             * Account for files without extensions
            if ( !isset( $info['extension'] ) ) {
                $info['extension'] = '';
             * Account for files like .htaccess
            if ( !isset( $info['filename'] ) ) {
                $info['filename'] = '';
            $path = $info['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
                $info['filename'] . "($i)" . $info['extension'];
        return $path;
     * Handles file cache storage and retrieval.
     * Data will be stored in json format. Expired data will be deleted.
     * @param string $name File name
     * @param string $data Cache information ( array or object )
     * @returns mixed True if stored successfully, false if not.
     *             Stored item if retrieving
    public static function cache( $name, $data ) {
        $src = self::filePath( CACHE, $name ) . '.json';
        if ( true  === $data && file_exists( $src ) ) {
            unlink( $src ); // Delete command data
            return false;
         * Getting cache
        if ( null === $data || '' === $data ) {
            if ( file_exists( $src ) && ( $mt = filemtime( $src ) ) ) {
                 * If cache has expired, delete the old file and return
                if ( $mt + CACHE_TIME < time() ) {
                    unlink( $src );
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return json_decode( file_get_contents ( $src ), true );
        // Setting cache
        } else {
            try {
                $data = json_encode( $data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE );
                file_put_contents( $src, $data );
                return true;
            } catch( Exception $e ) {
                return false;
     * Creates or retrieves an HTML file in the archive path
     * This function is WRITE-ONLY! It will not replace an existing archive and
     * will send an archive if it exists.
     * CAUTION: This function calls File::sendFile which will exit the script if
     *         an archive is found
     * @param string $name Archive name ( URL of current request usually )
     * @param string $data Fully formatted HTML content to store
    public static function archive( $name, $data ) {
        $src = self::filePath( ARCHIVE, $name ) . 'html';
        if ( null === $data || '' === $data ) {
            if ( true === file_exists( $src ) ) {
                die( 'Cannot append to existing archive' );
            } else {
                try {
                    file_put_contents( $src, $data );
                } catch( Exception $e ) {
        } else {
            self::sendFile( $src, 'html' );
        } // If no archive was sent, script will continue
     * Sends content directly to the client in the requested format.
     * CAUTION: This function exits the script following completion.
     * @param string $src File source
     * @param string $type File type ( html, jpg, gif etc...)
     * @param string $name The filename to specify to the visitor
     *         The actual filename will be used if unspecified
     * @param boolean $attach Force file download as an attachment
     * @param object $exp File expiration in datetime format
    public static function sendFile( $src, $type = 'html', $name = null, $attach = false, $exp = null ) {
        if ( true === file_exists( $src ) ) {
            switch( filetype( $type ) ) {
                case 'gif':
                    header( 'Content-Type: image/gif' );
                case 'jpg':
                case 'jpeg':
                    header( 'Content-Type: image/jpg' );
                case 'png':
                    header( 'Content-Type: image/png' );
                case 'pdf':
                    header( 'Content-Type: application/pdf' );
                case 'html':
                case 'txt':
                    header( 'Content-Type: text/html' );
                    header( 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' );
            if( null === $exp ) {
                $exp = new DateTime("now + 11 months");
            header( 'Expires: ' . $exp->format( DateTime::RFC1123 ) );
            header( 'Content-Length: ' . ( string ) filesize( $src ) );
            if ( true === $attach ) {
                $name = empty( $name )? basename( $src ) : $name;
                header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"' );
            $f = ( 'html' === $type || 'txt' === $type )?
                fopen( $src, 'r' ) : fopen( $src, 'rb' );
            fpassthru( $f );
     * Creates and/or returns an SHA1 based file path based on given root and identifier
     * E.G. /path/d0b/e2d/c42/1be/4fc/d01/d0be2dc421be4fcd0172e5afceea3970e2f3d940
     * Where /path is whatever is specified in $root (
     * @example The following regex will match this file path in the default settings :
     * ^(\/path\/([0-9a-z]{3})\/([0-9a-z]{3})\/([0-9a-z]{3})\/([0-9a-z]{3})
     * \/([0-9a-z]{3})\/([0-9a-z]{3})\/([0-9a-z]{40}))$
     * @param $root string Root directory
     * @param $name string File name/identifier
     * @param $create bool Create the directory path if it doesn't exist
     * @param $dlen int Stub directory length for the tree
     * @param $depth int Maximum number of directories to nest
    public static function filePath( $root, $name, $create = true, $dlen = 3, $depth = 6 ) {
        $h = sha1( $name );
        $p = str_split( $h, $dlen );
        $p = array_slice( $p, 0, $depth );

        $t = $root . implode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $p ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        if ( $create && !is_dir( $t ) ) {
            $s = $root;
            foreach ( $p as $d ) {
                $s .= $d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                if ( is_dir( $s ) ) { continue; }
                 * Read and write for owner, nothing for everybody else
                mkdir( $s, 0600 );
        return $t . $h;
     * Rearranges file names and properties
     * @example Turns :
     *    array(
     *        'name' => array( file1.txt, file2.html ),
     *        'type' => array( text/plain, text/html )
     *    )
     * Into :
     *    array(
     *        array(
     *            'name' => file1.txt,
     *            'type' => text/plain
     *        ),
     *        array(
     *            'name' => file2.html,
     *            'type' => text/html
     *        )
     *    )
     * @param array $raw Will be the $_FILE global array
     * @returns array
    public static function groupProps( $raw ) {
        $items = array();
        foreach( $raw as $name => $item ) {
            foreach( $item as $prop => $value ) {
                $items[$prop][$name] = $value;
        return $items;

Messages In This Thread
Backups are for weaklings! - by shtols - 22-10-2013, 09:50 AM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by Phyrne - 22-10-2013, 10:48 AM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by jobss - 22-10-2013, 12:05 PM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by venam - 22-10-2013, 03:33 PM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by crshd - 23-10-2013, 02:03 AM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by kirby - 23-10-2013, 03:23 PM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by ajac - 23-10-2013, 06:26 PM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by zygotb - 25-10-2013, 10:31 AM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by eksith - 26-10-2013, 06:14 PM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by jobss - 26-10-2013, 07:53 PM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by eksith - 27-10-2013, 01:27 AM
RE: Backups are for weaklings! - by c107 - 27-10-2013, 09:15 PM