How do you tidy your home, aka `tree -L2 ~` - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Not output, but probably something like what it'd eventually be:

╾─┐ ~
  ├── bin
  ├─┐ books
  │ └── txt
  ├─┐ dl
  │ ├── fonts
  │ ├── images
  │ ├── themes
  │ └─┐ torrents
  │   ├── session
  │   └── watch
  ├─┐ docs
  │ ├─┐ archive
  │ │ └── www
  │ ├── email
  │ └── uni
  ├── dv
  ├── etc
  ├── games
  ├── music
  ├── notes
  ├─┐ pics
  │ ├── art
  │ ├── cam
  │ ├── gifs
  │ ├── memes
  │ ├── scrots
  │ ├── sprites
  │ └── walls
  ├─┐ src
  │ ├── aur
  │ ├── builds
  │ ├── code
  │ ├── pkg
  │ ├── ports
  │ └── scripts
  ├── tmp
  └─┐ vids
    ├── clips
    ├── doco
    ├── football
    ├── movies
    ├── music
    ├── pods
    ├── shows
    └── talks
  • bin: Standard local bin directory that gets added to the path.
  • books: Divided by author.
    • txt: Non-fiction (e.g. textbooks) which are further subdivided into general categories.
  • dl: Theoretically, I guess there shouldn't be a downloads directory if I've organised my folders properly, but I still have one because... sometimes I feel like downloading first and managing later so I just make the appropriate directories and dump them there for the time being. Then I can later finely comb through the downloaded things and pick the ones I actually want. (When initally downloading, it's too slow to figure out at hand if I really want it or not.) And images refers to iso's, not actual images which usually easily find their place in `pics`.
    • torrents: Rtorrent's directory because it just made sense to put it in `dl`.
  • docs: Important documents, usually directly placed in the `docs` folder itself.
    • archive: The important documents are placed here once they are dealt with (no longer currently relevant), (filename) ordered by date.
      • www: A bit different, just a place to put interesting (usually internet) articles (usually from rss) in a date ordered form too. So it makes sense to put it in `docs/archive`.
    • email: Makes sense to put in `docs` since emails are commonly related to the important documents (important emails).
    • uni: If there are many important documents that form their own category, then more folders will be created, such as this `uni` directory. (So a folder will be created for a particular (non-software) project etc.)
  • dv: Things I'm making/hacking on that I have commit access to.
  • etc: Don't actually have this yet. But once I figure out how to manage my dotfiles under git version control, I'll probably use `etc` as the folder for it. Other names could have included `conf` or `dots` or `dotfiles` but `conf` is four letters where `etc` is three and `dots` and `dotfiles` don't work since there's already `docs`. `rc` is also a viable option though.
  • games: For roms, save states, cheats, stats references, walkthroughs etc. divided by game.
  • src: Like a catch all for more source code stuff (which isn't being directly hacked on like in `dv`).
    • aur: For, well AUR packages, since the operating system is nearly always arch. I guess it's not a good thing to have os-specific things but it just makes sense since I usually use arch anyway. I should probably just be using the abs or something for this instead though...
    • builds: Area for building random things, fairly useless but not much harm in keeping it there.
    • code: Place to put source code that I want to store, usually for studying/learning but sometimes just for the storage.
    • pkg: For PKGBUILDS (that I maintain or are just personal). Again arch specific and should just be the abs. Why I put `ports` there as well, that could just be a local abs directory, except that it doesn't sound os-specific.
    • scripts: Collection of the rest of useful scripts which didn't make it to `bin`.
  • tmp: Temporary dumping/playing around with directory. Mostly useless, but sometimes useful and probably deserves to exist.
  • Rest are self-explanatory. I like to have all my consumables directories directly under home rather than have a separate usr/var/media directory for all that.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: How do you tidy your home, aka `tree -L2 ~` - by rwzy - 10-08-2014, 05:23 AM