How do you tidy your home, aka `tree -L2 ~` - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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This might be obvious for each of us, but I have a simple question. How do you organize your $HOME directory ?
I'm curious to see how people manage their files on their sytstem. Just show us ! Use the command `tree -L 2 ~` to show how your home looks like. And give a quick explanation of it. Code: ───── tree -L 2 ~ My home is organised pretty much like the root of my system. Personnal data (images, videos, documents) are in `usr/`, source code is in `src/`, logs/mails/torrents/sockets are going to `var/` scripts to `bin/` and config files to `etc/` (linked to ~/.* for most). `tmp/` is for downloads and other crap I go with. I mounted tmpfs to it, so it's flushed at each reboot :) |