How do you tidy your home, aka `tree -L2 ~` - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Long time nixers
We don't have to be worried about that as long the configurations of wm, shell and term colors are different.
And it proves that good taste knows no borders :P
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/

Messages In This Thread
RE: How do you tidy your home, aka `tree -L2 ~` - by nrmc.dubz - 03-04-2014, 07:21 PM