I need some help with tweaking my Desktop! (2bwm) - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Grey Hair Nixers
Hi mate !

First of all, you did not get on my nerves. If I'm not keen to help you, I would have not even given you an answer. What we were saying is that, top reach the "top level" of dekstop customisation, you need to understand WELL how a unix system works.

What is a WM, what is a shell, what is a display server, how do they interact together. Once you understand all of this (it HAS to be clear in your mind), you can start tweaking your desktop, playing with it, replacing every single part of it (hotkeys, wm, status bar, notification system, monitoring, etc...)

Anyway, if you really want to dive into it, I'm ready to help you. But you have to understand that you NEED to find informations by yourself (reading wikis, blog, man pages, forums, etc..).

As a good start, read this article I wrote on the subject (customizing your setup), and ask about everything you don't understand. If you encouter a lot of difficulties to understand it, or if it looks like chinese for you, then you'll need to play a little more with *nix systems, before trying again.

Good luck buddy :)

Messages In This Thread
RE: I need some help with tweaking my Desktop! (2bwm) - by z3bra - 03-04-2014, 05:10 PM