Ricerous, A Community Project About Ricing - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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I've updated the project status.
Here's a summary: What Needs To Be Done
In summary we need a license, which we'll discuss about, we need to package the project, which pizzaroll1 (kaashif-hymabaccus) was already working on but had problems keeping the unittest working and making the info.json available from everywhere (https://github.com/nixers-projects/ricerous/pull/8) which I solved in the last commit (https://github.com/nixers-projects/ricer...cbe485bb5c), we need a bit of refinement in the readme files which Foggalong already worked a lot on, and finally we need to find a way to unify the project so that it works for python3 (the include for urllib and other modules usage). |