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Long time nixers
albertocg: It is very nice! I did not see it before.

halfwit: These dmenu script are crazy! Do you have some of them available somewhere?

I'm making a follow-up of my webcast:

In the webcast, I tried to use only one terminal, with abduco sessions and shell jobs to keep organized.
I wrote a dmenu clone for the terminal in awk, and used it to select the sessions and jobs to attach to.

This month, I made a more serious dmenu clone for the terminal in C: iomenu. It is my first program in C. :3

It just filters lines, there is no fuzzy matching, I still want to implement space as wildchar like in dmenu.

[Image: klbxFeA.png?1]

I did a new shell script - buffer - to manage abduco sessions, combined with some dmenu_run.

[Image: NJS9hgw.png]

As you can see you can either attach to an existing session, or start a new one with a new command.

It then prompts you for arguments. Here you can write '+' at the end of a line to get prompted for a file path.

You can also call this script with arguments, and it will immediately run them without prompting.

Dependencies for this script:

- whatis: to generate the command description, with "buffer -w".
- stest: which comes with the dmenu source. You can compile it alone with "make stest" while in dmenu source dir.
- abduco: start and attach to sessions.
- iomenu

[PS]: Do not hesitate to rant on the source if you want, as it will help me learning. As well as do not hesitate to ask for XYZ feature, as I just may just not have the idea of doing it.

Messages In This Thread
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RE: Workflow Webcast - by josuah - 09-07-2016, 09:38 AM
RE: Workflow Webcast - by venam - 10-07-2016, 09:46 AM
RE: Workflow Webcast - by Adrift - 28-07-2016, 12:04 AM
RE: Workflow Webcast - by Halfwit - 02-08-2016, 01:10 AM
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RE: Workflow Webcast - by josuah - 22-11-2016, 06:39 PM
RE: Workflow Webcast - by venam - 31-03-2017, 12:18 PM
RE: Workflow Webcast - by acg - 01-04-2017, 11:53 AM
RE: Workflow Webcast - by venam - 01-04-2017, 01:34 PM
RE: Workflow Webcast - by acg - 01-04-2017, 02:12 PM
RE: Workflow Webcast - by rocx - 01-04-2017, 05:39 PM
RE: Workflow Webcast - by venam - 01-04-2017, 05:59 PM