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Environment Variables

A diving into environment variables.

# What are environment variables
# Historic
# Most common ones
# At which point they are loaded and where by who (local, global, inheritance?)
# Must know - Tips & Tricks & Relevant Tools & Commands
# More

# What are environment variables
A set of dynamic values, helper or configuration values, that can affect the
way a process runs.

Usually it's the process that queries those values,
they are part of its "environment" and consequently the name.

They are there so that the process can know the suitable values of the system
it's running on.
They are metadata, so to say.
For example, the temporary location to store temporary files, or the home

This defintion is vague, the implementation could be done in a lot of ways.
What's really an environment variable... Well, this isn't clear. Are those
environment variables respected, forced? Also this isn't a clear thing.

# Historic

They were introduced in their modern form in 1979 with Version 7 Unix,
so are included in all Unix operating system flavors and variants from
that point onward including Linux and OS X.

They all use the standardized format of colon separated values that can be
queries system wide.

# Details - The Life cycle - At which point they are loaded and where by who

Let's dig into the details.

In all Unix and Unix-like systems, each process has its own separate
set of environment variables. By default, when a process is created,
it inherits a duplicate environment of its parent process, except for
explicit changes made by the parent when it creates the child. At the
API level, these changes must be done between running fork and exec.

After that the values the running program access are static.

Anything changed in a script or compiled program will only affect that process
and possibly child processes. The parent process and any unrelated processes
will not be affected.

On Linux
Each process stores their environment in the /proc/$PID/environ file. This
file contained each key value pair delimited by a nul character (\x0). A
more human readable format can be obtained with sed, e.g. sed 's:\x0:\n:g'
cat /proc/self/environ

More generally the env variables are passed to the program via the execve,
the last argument is an array of key value.
man execve
man environ
However, note that the size of this array is generally limited.

On a lower level, the process manages the variables internally in the
`char **__environ` array, following the standard POSIX spec.

the system calls, see man (7) environ

There are numerous files that are read, sequentially, to fill those environment
There are also command line facilities, usually implemented by the shell,
to access the variable list and to change them.

We said that it's sequential, so there's an order to this.
Let's examine the process in which environment variables are set.

- System
- Login
- Session & Shell specific
- Temporary - pseudo-environment variables
- Before Execution

The idea is simple, the newest file read will override the previous one.

Let's answer first, "read by who?". It's read by the shell or program.

### System set environment variables

Those are the ones inherited by all other processes started on the system.
The ones initialized at the system startup.

`/etc/profile` and `/etc/environment`

initializes variables for login shells only. It does, however, run
scripts and can be used by all Bourne shell compatible shells.

is used by the PAM-env module and is agnostic to login/non-login,
interactive/non-interactive and also Bash/non-Bash, so scripting or glob
expansion cannot be used. The file only accepts variable=value pairs.

### Login

`/etc/profile` and `pam_env.conf`

man 8 pam_env #set them at login

### Session & Shell specific

Augmenting the global Environment variables.

session wide vs system-wide

/etc/yourshell.rc #more or less global too
.xinitrc #if you are doing it for the GUI - subsection (per graphical session)

initializes variables for interactive shells only. It also runs scripts
but (as its name implies) is Bash specific.

### Temporary - pseudo-environment variables

On the spot, set by the shell
Any shell script can be used to set the environment variables.

Persistent vs non-persistent
True environment variables vs pseudo-environment variables. Stored
staticaly in the environment vs queried from the environmnent but not
really available

In Unix shells, variables may be assigned without the export
keyword. Variables defined in this way are displayed by the set command,
but are not true environment variables, as they are stored only by the
shell and not recognized by the kernel. The printenv command will not
display them, and child processes do not inherit them.

### Before execution

Between fork and exec.

# Most common ones

Let's note before starting the list of most common ones that,
In Unix and Unix-like systems, the names of environment variables are

It is also a common practice to name all environment variables with only
English capital letters and underscore signs.

Let's dig some common ones.

### PATH


When you type a command to run, the system looks for it in the directories
specified by PATH in the order specified


List of directories for the system to search manual pages in

### HOME

### PWD

current working dir

Current display


This is where the dynamic linker will load code from LD_LIBRARY_PATH and
This is where the runtime libraries are in addition to the ones hard-defined
by ld and the ld conf.

### LANG, LC_ALL, and LC_ ... - TZ

Locale setting variables
The following environment variables determine the locale-related behaviour
of the systems such as the language of displayed messages and the way
times and dates are presented.


Generates a random integer between 0 and 32,767 each time it is referenced.

### PS1 and PS2

(default prompt, and waiting prompt)

### TERM

Terminal type

Usually the type of terminal you are using is automatically configured
by either the login or getty programs. Sometimes, the autoconfiguration
process guesses your terminal incorrectly.

If your terminal is set incorrectly, the output of commands might look
strange, or you might not be able to interact with the shell properly.

To make sure that this is not the case, most users set their terminal
to the lowest common denominator as follows −



The directory used for temporary file creation by several programs

### Preferred application variables

(this could be a whole podcast)

#### PAGER
The name of the utility used to display long text by commands such as man.
The name of the user's preferred text editor. Used by programs such as
the mutt mail client and sudoedit.
Similar to the "EDITOR" environment variable, applications typically
try the value in this variable first before falling back to "EDITOR"
if it isn't set.

The pager called by man and other such programs when you tell them to view a file.

This variable is used to specify the "visual" - screen-oriented - editor.
Generally you will want to set it to the same value as the EDITOR variable.

Originally EDITOR would have be set to ed (a line-based editor)
and VISUAL would've been set to vi (a screen-based editor).

These days, you're unlikely to ever find yourself using a teletype as your
terminal, so there is no need to choose different editors for the two.
Nevertheless, it is useful to have both set:

Many programs, including less and crontab, will invoke VISUAL to edit a file,
falling back to EDITOR if VISUAL is not set - but others invoke EDITOR directly.

The name of the user's preferred web browser. This variable is arguably
less common than the rest

# Must know

It's enough blahblahblah, we wanna know some practical things.
there are other things to know other than the files to set the variables in,
there utilities ?

The thing we're mentioning here are happening at the session level.

Most shell will let you interface with the environment variables as if they
were local shell variables.

By putting the dollar sign in front of the variable you wanna check you can
use it as you would use a normal variable but accessible everywhere inside
the script.

For instance, right in your shell you can do:

echo $HOME

And it'll print the value of the HOME.

You can also change them like you would change a normal shell variable
however it's wiser to use the other utilities your shell offers for this.


Many shell distinguish between shell variables and environment variables.

A shell variable is defined by the set command and deleted by the unset

% set name=value

Some shell simply allow VAR=VALUE

Environment variables are set by the setenv command, and displayed by
the printenv or env commands, or by the echo command as individual
shell variables are.
Some other shell use the export command.

The formats of the commands are (note the difference between set and

% setenv [NAME value]
% unsetenv NAME

or export NAME=<value>
or export NAME=
With nothing on the right to unset it

You can call the setenv command, printenv, or env or export without argument
and it'll print the list of all the values already set.

The commands that will work depends on the shell you are using.

VARIABLE=value #
export VARIABLE # for Bourne and related shells

export VARIABLE=value # for ksh, bash, and related shells

setenv VARIABLE value # for csh and related shells

# Tips & Tricks & Relevant Tools & Commands

VARIABLE=value # shell variable

We can specify shell variables in the front, before calling a program, and
depending on the shell it'll be considered as a real environment variable for
that process.

VARIABLE=value program_name [arguments]


~ > cat
use Env qw(PATH HOME TERM);
use strict;
use warnings;
print $HOME;

~ > HOME=test perl

~ > echo $HOME



The env command line utility:

env is a shell command for Unix and Unix-like operating systems. It
is used to either print a list of environment variables or run another
utility in an altered environment without having to modify the currently
existing environment.

env is commonly used in shell scripts to launch the correct interpreter.

You see it in the hashbang line of scripts allowing the interpreter to be
looked up via PATH.

It's possible to specify the interpreter without env but you'll have to give
the full path and this is highly system dependent while the env command
alleviate this issue, it makes it more portable.

Calling env without arguments will print all the environment variables.
Actually any of those commands we talked about has that behavior.


Now a little tricks, we said we could look the list of environment of a process
on Linux using the /proc but there's another nifty way using ps.

ps e -p <PID>

# More

Now let's talk about more philosophical stuffs beyond the scope of the article.

/etc/skel is the skeleton used for the home of the new users that are going to
be created on the machine.
If you want to set some session variables for all new users you may want to put
it there.


when changing user using su.

the -l argument is the same as a - without anything else (dash)
The -l simulate a full login, which means that all the current environment
is discarded except for HOME, SHELL, PATH, TERM, and USER.

So in sum:
su - will reset the environment
Otherwise it'll keep the current one.


Some critics warn against overuse of environment variables,
because of differences between shell languages, that they are ephemeral
and easy to overlook, are specific to a user and not to a program. The
recommended alternative is configuration files.


Default application
Programs coming up with their own way of doing things

For example the default application... it's a bit messy
Everyone wants a piece of the cake

Reason: The relation between environment variables and the above
discussion on MIME types is not immediate. Setting BROWSER e.a,
while also related to default applications, is a different approach
entirely. (Discuss in Talk:Default applications#)

Messages In This Thread
Environment Variables - by venam - 24-07-2016, 06:38 AM
RE: Environment Variables - by venam - 24-07-2016, 06:38 AM
RE: Environment Variables - by pranomostro - 24-07-2016, 07:40 AM