unnecessary scrot wrapper - Programming On Unix

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I wrote a scrot wrapper because I am horrible at keeping my file system clean. I also explained it really badly on the README, but basically it creates subdirectories of whatever the $NOUGAT_SCREENSHOT_DIRECTORY is set to as needed. Organizes screenshots by year, month, and day.

Taking a screenshot would today would create a 2017 subdir, then within 2017 it would create September, and then within September it would create 07.

I wasn't too sure if any one else would use this, but figured it was worth sharing. Oh yeah, and it symlinks all the screenshots to an "all" directory (which is a subdir of $NOUGAT_SCREENSHOT_DIRECTORY) so you don't have to hunt down images forever. It can also place images in /tmp with the '-t' option.

Here it is, if anyone is interdasted: click

also someone please send help I've been living in vim for the past week or so and keep typing ":w" in this text box

Messages In This Thread
unnecessary scrot wrapper - by Sweets - 07-09-2017, 06:22 AM
RE: unnecessary scrot wrapper - by venam - 07-09-2017, 06:33 AM
RE: unnecessary scrot wrapper - by budRich - 07-09-2017, 06:37 AM
RE: unnecessary scrot wrapper - by Sweets - 07-09-2017, 06:46 AM