The role of distributions &/or Unix flavors, where does pkg management stands - Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses

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Grey Hair Nixers
(01-04-2020, 03:56 AM)jkl Wrote: One of the good things in the rise of Go is that it usually produces statically linked binaries, just like Pascal did/does. As some people move on from C to Go, the future could be interesting.

This is totally true, and one of the main reasons I like Go. What kills me though is that the people praising Go's « compile a single binary and run it everywhere » are sometimes the same persons arguing that static linking in C is bad and stupid because sharing libraries is better...

I wish people would reconsider static linking in C thanks to Go.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The role of distributions &/or Unix flavors, where does pkg management stands - by z3bra - 02-04-2020, 06:47 PM