The role of distributions &/or Unix flavors, where does pkg management stands - Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses

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Grey Hair Nixers
That's awfully pessimistic. I don't think the 2nd option is doomed however (using only "sane" software). This is indeed elitist, but I feel like at this point, this is required to run quality software. If you can't use a computer, you use multi layered software that makes the UX easier. Same goes for cars, agriculture or coffee machines, both have "elitists" users, that just want to "do things right" rather than easily. We take more time to do things, but with higher quality, and fiability. If some people want high quality stuff, I can help them, so they don't have to bother.

As an example, I'm part of an association for local food delivery in my town, and I run some opensource software to help with organization. I run it on OpenBSD for security, and make backups everyday. I settled on a simple installation because I know how to run this. Otherwise, they would have needed to run the #1 on the market which is much more expensive and complex.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The role of distributions &/or Unix flavors, where does pkg management stands - by z3bra - 13-11-2020, 11:06 AM