How much do you actually care about your ideologies? - Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses

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I use OpenBSD. It has blobs, but fw blobs are optional, while the rest must be readable to the code; everything else is not accepted. FW blobs are ok, because they are meant as a ROM replacement, but not as inline code.

I don't use GNU/Linux and/or SystemD. My ZipitZ2 uses OpenWRT and it works great with that.

About my environment, I use:

- CWM.
- Conky.
- Dunst.
- TMux
- Nvi for Perl and C. Still learning.
- xsel.
- Noice.
- rss2email.
- NMH mail suite + Fetchmail + sendmail relay to may mail provider/fetchmail filter.
- FFMpeg/MPV.
- Imagemagick/Ghostview for convert(GIF)-> pdf2ps(PDF)->GS(PS)->ps2pdf14(PDF). The GIF is automatically made from a hundred of still images from Street View; I use a GPX file as the track.
- Sxiv. Thumbnail mode for folders = perfection. Use "-a" for gifs.
- Irssi + + libnotify-bin + tail +entr. Also: tmux attach -t irssi || tmux new -s irssi irssi
- Bitlbee for Telegram/Twitter/XMPP.
- torsocks + w3m mostly.
- einfo -pp $EBOOK > book.html | lynx -force_html -nocolor -nolist stdin | less -r
- Vimb for the JS pests, altough https://qsview is fine. Simplyread JS to halt any CPU bloating scrapts.
- Tin. Yes, I use USENET.
- Steveblack/hosts' file, 's/', then appended to a base /etc/hosts.base.
- mupdf.
- translate-shell+xsel+dunst.
- instalooper for GF' photos. Sxiv -r on the target $DIR.
- gphoto2 for the camera ones. Sxiv -r as the companion, ditto.
- gpscorrelate + vikingGPS - no light alternative :_( -
- "xcalib -a -i" at night/waking up. My eyes hurt less.
- Lots of suckless tools such as:
- sct for color temp.
- spt as a pomodoro time manager. Just run it.
- grabc to set some colors for MUPDF.
- ticker as a distracting toy with rss news.
- farbled/lel/shmff for fun.
- zzzy.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How much do you actually care about your ideologies? - by anthk - 10-01-2019, 04:08 PM