How much do you actually care about your ideologies? - Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses

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Grey Hair Nixers
Venam's post pretty much said it all (what a wise guy right?).
What I learnt in computing, and travelling across countries with different culture is that being radical over something (philosophy, ideology, religion, whatever) sucks, and is harmful.

Take these philosophies as guidelines that will help you take decisions when you don't know what to do about a particular situation. Otherwise, do what you want!

You find Void more appealing than Parabola because their logo spins on the website? install it, and enjoy it!
Now if you really want to advocate for free software, you can still take the RMS way. Beware though, it's reaaaaaally hard of a path to follow (the guy complains about using ATMs, 'cause he can't see the code..). I personally think it's just not worth it, and I find closed software to be fine most of the time. It is another business model after all, just like venam said about food!
I prefer when I know exactly what I eat, but I don't (always) care if I don't see how the chief cooks.

I now consider "opensource" as a huge plus when I look for a software, but not a hard requirement. Computers are only tools, so worrying about them is pointless.
I only care about me, and wether my data may be leaked. For a wireless firmware, well, I doubt there would be much data to be leaked that ISPs wouldn't have already.

To sum it up, it's all about balance. Take your philosophy like a guideline, and always counter balance it with your brain.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How much do you actually care about your ideologies? - by z3bra - 11-01-2019, 04:47 AM