Loading of xinitrc,xserverrc,xresources,xdefaults,xprofile,xsession,xmodmap - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Grey Hair Nixers
(22-04-2019, 06:56 PM)jkl Wrote: 1. You're talking about X11. What about X10? ;-)
2. With XWayland, the latest installment in the "we need a backwards-compatible X replacement which does everything differently than X" series, .Xresources is probably a file that needs to be loaded explicitly - as always, depending on the distribution's maintainers, I guess. (Welp, Red Hat...)
3. All folders mentioned above could be somewhere else than where you'd think they are.

The best questions would actually be "What about X2, X3, X4, X5, X7, X8 ?" :-P

As for the .Xresources, it as always been a file to load explicitely. It just happens that some default configurations load it by default:
$ grep userresources /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
if [ -f "$userresources" ]; then
    xrdb -merge "$userresources"

This, of course, is up to the distro maintainers ;-)

What bother me with X11 though, is that it is designed to be a network protocol, yet you never see it in the wild (besides perhaps X11 forwarding over ssh).
X being a "network protocol" should allow awesome stuff like what you get on plan9, where your whole system is spread on multiple machines. Why don't we have people providing "graphics as a service" or similar?
Why do we have to use stuff like X11VNC or ffserver? Is it a lack of knowledge? Did X11 failed at being what it is?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Loading of xinitrc,xserverrc,xresources,xdefaults,xprofile,xsession,xmodmap - by z3bra - 23-04-2019, 07:45 AM